I don't want my mum and dad to split up :-(
LILLYPADS - Dec 20 2013 at 21:41
My dad has always been a brilliant father and husband. He has worked hard all his life and provided for us as a father should. He liked to have a drink on a weekend when i was young and it slowly became more frequent. My nan died 6 years ago and his drinking was everyday. He now drinks 8 or more in a night and my mum is close to breaking point. When ever we mention it to him he gets angry. He seems to have a dependency to it now but doesn't show any withdrawal symptoms. My mum has given him her wedding ring back and asked him to stop drinking in the week. He agreed but sneaks beer and thinks she doesn't know. I left home 6 years ago so i don't see all of what's going on between them but its still affecting me. I'm close to both of them and i love them both so much, but they tell me alot of what is going on. I know he would never harm my mum and that is definitely not an issue. My dad won't go to a councillor and even confronting him is out of the question. I don't want to get involved in it too much but i know if this doesn't end they will end up separated and move away. What can i do? Help please....
sometimes you have to look the other way,.unless you can make your dad stop drinking.maybe he drinks because ofother problems.sometimes to people that drink thats there friend.i know .my parents broke up when i was about 5.half of the people parents break up when kids leave home.kids was the only thing that keap them together
Well, I just got out of a similar situation. My dad was the same. Maybe getting a divorce will clear his mind and he'll change? Also think of your mom and how she must feel. A divorce may help. Or try suggesting her to keep implying on her husband to go to a counselor or an alcoholics group to talk. It's hard to let go once you have an addiction, but not impossible.