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After 4 years of being seperate my ex still gives me butterflies

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My ex gf and I have been broken up for around 4 years but every once in awhile she invites me over over to her house and we chat and flirt like the old days. We understand each other perfectly and iv never met someone so like minded in my life. We broke up due to the fact that she went overseas for a year and I couldnt handle that so became depressed for a year but then made my life really happy. About 3 years ago we got together physically. So when we see each other like 5 timez a year she always tells me how I pleased her in all different ways and she tells me im the perfect person and that I deserve the best and all and that what we had was magic. But I want her. She invited me out to check her favourite place to be alone, this was after a chat of our previous mountain hikes. I quote her "my fondest memories". Do I go see her favourite place even tho it brings me terrible heart ache? when I cant be more than this confusing situation. Oh ya we dated for a year but got really close with my family and even tho we dateda year its more like 5 as we kept building each others emotions up through all this time. I was thinking, after I go to see her favourite place and when I leave im going to give her a kiss that says I want to be more than this and then leave and forget about her. And then if sshe comes back then ill be happy if not ill never contact her again. Because this feeling is draining. Please anyone with any insight and ideas on my matter it will be helpful. Thanks. Oh n sorry my writing is all over the place I tried :)

After 4 years of being seperate my ex still gives me butterflies

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well,i can,t tell if she close are far away.and if you got to tag. it now and if she just likes your company,and no tagging,then you tell her you want more.but at lease tell her what you want.if she can,t handle it move on

After 4 years of being seperate my ex still gives me butterflies

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Exactly as the person before me has said! Tell her how you feel, and if she feels the same way, she'll let you know. If not, there are many other fish in the pond! But I think you should go and visit her favorite place so you wouldn't regret it later on.

After 4 years of being seperate my ex still gives me butterflies

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Cool thanks for your replies I appreciate it. She stays in SA close to me. Ya whenever we see we do something special and both try impress the other with things we've been doing since we last saw.

After 4 years of being seperate my ex still gives me butterflies

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Great job! Good to hear....and keep it up ;)

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