Intrusive parents taking over my life

MELMOON44 - Dec 21 2013 at 15:22
For as long as i can remember, my parents have been very controlling and intrusive (reading my diaries, interviewing boyfriends, questioning me). If they dont like something that I'm doing they corner me or come in my room and tell me that I make their lives difficult and I have no life experience and should do what they tell me. I could put up with this until my adult years but now im 23, getting married next year and about to move out (me and my fiance saved up for a mortgage) in the new year. They have told me I am moving into a 'rubbish house' and have taken over my wedding (they say they are going to pay for it with their money and controlling the decisions for my big day). I have repeatedly told them i dont want anything from them especially money. In reply they tell me that Im selfish and I make them miserable. They manipulate me and make me feel awful. But they are my parents and I dont want to cut them out of my life when I've moved out. My dad books viewing appointments at properties he thinks i ought to live in instead of the house i've purchased. My mum cries and shouts at me randomly all the time and says everything is my fault. I have confronted them many times, it doesnt work. Do I move on with my life or am i being unreasonable as they are my parents? I'm starting to find it difficult to see them as loving relatives and just cruel people.
try to talk to them together are separate.tell them how you feel.if they insist on helping tell them,what you would time this problem may may be the only child that,s why
try to gather them both at a table and talk to them calmly about what you would want, and tell them that it's your decision and life not theirs (but in a very polite manner) and try to let them help you in organizing the wedding but give them simple tasks(they just need to feel they're being useful). You're not being unreasonable, you have different tastes, different needs, etc than your parents so its okay to be on the contrary on these matters with them. I think we all are sometimes on these matters. Good luck!
I don't even know where to start. Stop whining. Don't live with your parents and let them pay for your wedding, and then claim you don't want it. You don't want their money, STOP TAKING IT. You don't want them controlling your wedding, STOP LETTING THEM. Move out and do it on your own already.
Or....maybe you don't want to move out yet because you're saving for your house, and you don't want to have to pay rent. Well, then you DO need and want your parents' money right now. So be a bit more gracious about it.