Why has my fiancee changed so much?

MATTD - Jan 2 2014 at 13:30
I've been with my girlfriend for 6 years, i'm 27 and she's 3 years younger.
We always had a strong relationship and she was a career focused girl who was down to earth and level headed. At the beginning of this year she said she was considering breast implants because she wanted to go a size bigger. It was unexpected and in the previous 5 years she'd never once mentioned wanting them done.
She went to the consultations and set the date for July to have the operation and on the day of the op she told me she'd actually decided to go bigger than she first mentioned because she didn't want to regret the size she got. At that point in the process it was pointless having a screaming match over why she'd kept it from me, and later that day she had them enlarged.
With my job it was planned months before that i would have to be out of the country for 9 weeks, and it was the during the fourth week of her recovery when i flew out. Due to the time difference doing any face time / skype was difficult but we emailed each other and spoke a few times and it appeared she was the same person i'd always known.
However when i came home after working away i was speechless at how much she'd changed as a person. Slutty clothes, completely different hair style, looking like a barbie doll replica with her fake breasts on show for the world to stare at. If i'd have seen her out i wouldnt have known it was her, seriously.
Within two hours of me being back she said 'Jay's picking me up for a business meeting', and i asked who the hell she was talking about and she arrogantly said he was one of the guys in her new group of friends and he owned a promotions and modelling business and he wanted her to work for him. This top of the range car turned up and her phone rang and she got into his car and off they went. She got back late that night and told me she was now working for him attending nightclubs and other functions during the week and at weekends. That was several weeks ago and since then this 'Jay' has paid her membership to an expensive high end gym and paid for her to have a very expensive personal trainer; and he gave her access to a credit card with an amount she can spend each month on herself so 'she can always look her best'.
Then on Monday evening she came home driving a sports car and dismissively told me this guy had insured her on it because it befits her new image and he had big plans for her.
Why has this girl i once knew changed completely?
She's had her head turned by her new manager.
You went away with your job at just the time her recovery had come to an end and she started going out and having the attention lavished on her whilst you were not around. That was just bad timing on your part but its certainly created the girl she now is.
This 'jay' obviously has money and took a massive liking to her on one of her nights out and although you dont state how she met him, i would guess he welcomed her into his group and then began to compliment her breast implants and her body and it was at this point she changed her style and look to match the girl he wanted.
He's been very very clever...giving her a job which is based on her looks and her body, so she is paid on compliments which just boosts her ego even more. Then he paid for her to go to an expensive gym with an expensive trainer, surrounding her with women that have money. Then the monthly allowance, which has pulled her into him even further, and now the sports car.
He's made her very dependant on him, by giving her a lifestyle she has come to crave and expect.
She belongs to him now.
She's changed because she's wanted to change, and she won't be changing back Matthew.
You are probably blaming this guy for her change in attitude, looks and outlook on life, but in reality he just saw an opportunity and took it.
She new what she was doing by getting a bigger size boob job...men were always going to stare at her new fakes and you know what? she loved the attention.
Her new body has opened her eyes to what she can get in life, and thats made her go from a career minded girl to one that wants easy money and to live a luxury life without working hard.
She's become 'eye candy' for rich wealthy men and is destined to be on the arm of someone that can give her what she now wants.
Have you asked her if she still wants to be with you?
It seems to me her life has moved in another direction from the one she once had with you, and i'm sure if you asked her to be truthful with you if she really still wants to be with you she would say she no longer felt the same way as she once did.
I would also wholeheartedly agree with some of the points made in other replies to you, she now sees life differently and wants money and wealth and luxury, so by not had the talk with her you are only delaying the inevitable.
She's either having an affiar with Jay or is close to seeing him officially.
This may be blunt, however....
She emotionally left you a while ago. You do not even figure on her radar anymore.
Even if she is in a sexual relationship with this guy (yes she is), its irrelevant because there is no future for you and her.
In her eyes she is a sexual goddess that has guys worshiping her and its over between you.
Hi Matt -
This is very strange behavior! 'Jay' wants more from her than to be her 'manager'.
Your leaving during her self induced 'recovery' doesn't have any thing to do with any thing! She had months to discuss all these changes with you and what they mean for her 'career'.
I think you need to get some space for yourself. Let her go her own way and maybe she'll wake up and maybe not. Have you asked exactly what these changes are for?? Do you really think this is about 'modeling'??
Wow, she really mind-f---ed you! This may take you some time to get over...but leaving is your best bet. I'm sorry. Life can be crap sometimes esp. if someone is not honest whom you love and believe they love you.
Keep on keeping on...Good Luck!
The relationship ended yesterday.
She told me on Wednesday that she was working at a club that night doing promotional work and when i got home from work she had already gone out. I received a call later that evening from my friend who works in a restaurant in the city who had seen her hand in hand with 'Jay' going for dinner and clearly they were in a relationship.
When she got home i asked her just to be truthful with me and she admitted she had been seeing him for a number of weeks. She said she had loved all the compliments he had paid her and over a period of time she had grown closer to him and it was her who made the move several weeks ago and she's in love with him.
So she left that night and when i got home yesterday she'd already collected her belongings and text me apologising and wishing me all the best..
I spoke to her friend