Forgiving ur husband

PONTY1964 - Jun 19 2008 at 17:14
my husbands ex has been in our lives since we met hes admitted to meeting up with her behind my back aving coffee popping to her house giving her money etc the final straw was when i found out hed taken her away for the nite i threw him out but had him back,we have tried to move on but i keep throwing it up in his face he swears he hasent heard from her for weeks but i dont believe him he swears he didnt ever sleep with her she says different she is very bitter and would say anything to split us up but he would lie to save his skin, she has keyed my car which she has paid for but i cant trust him and i search his phone and bag for evidence but theres none maybe hes got clever or hes being truthful but i cant forgive him or forget we went to councelling but that didnt work now its down to me to try and move on what makes it more difficult is he works near her house and they could meet anytime and i wouldnt know im even thinking of spying on him when im off work i want to move on but cant, please help.
get rid of him, he's no good
sweety you know how i think at the mo, and he has been nothing but trouble to you. love is a horrible word when things go wrong, only get rid of him if you no longer do love him, and if there is no trust, plus all the other little matters that top the cake
I totally understand your problem. I am in exactly same position. I was with my partner when he was married eventually he came to live with me, but i caught him out with her, well you can imagine how i lost it told her everything he still came with me but he was backward and forward said he felt sorry for her and was scared she took her life, i couldnt stand it anylonger and threw him out, of course he went back to her and i didnt speak to him or text him for 3 months (he constantly text and phoned me. Eventually we got back together and he is living with me again, she doesent know where he is living, i gave them 3 months to try and work at their marriage and it didnt work out, she couldnt forget the lies and deceit and never stopped arguing with him, he is now with me, but she doesent know, and he says times a healer and he doesent want the stress. But like you he works near her house and i keep thinking he might meet her or talking to her on the phone, im always checking up on him etc. but we get on really well and our relationship is excellent and he says he loves me always has, but there s that doubt that he chose her over me but he said it was just guilt as he felt guilty for hurting her. I also want to move on but he really hurt me its difficult to tell the full story as i was the other woman in the start. All i can say is try not to go on at him and let sleeping dogs lye until you actually catch him doing something wrong. Remember he is with you and if he wanted her he would be living with her not you. Hope that helps