Marriage problem

USMCGUY223 - Jan 8 2014 at 07:12
This is going to be long but bare with me. Me and my wife having been having issues now for the past few months. We dated for 2 yrs and lived together for 1 before getting married , it was a little rushed to get married but thats because i joined the marine corps and we knew that it was either never see each other for 5 yrs or get married. we always talked about it and us wanting to have kids , used to even argue over names of them. Well we decided to get married since we hated being away from each other , but ever since we did its been a roller coaster. we argue everyday for retarted things. have the time i dont have to do anything but walk in the door and shes pissed at me. This has been going on now for 4 months with the on and on heated arguemeants that end up with us cursing the shit out of each other and saying shit that we always regret a few hrs later. I dont know how to fix this , everytime i want to talk about it she dosnt. We did a few times and it ddnt help , she told me that she ddnt actually want to get married but felt like it was the only choice , that she wanted to go to college instead , which ive told her that im not keeping her from doing that if she wanted to go to college and that she dosnt know if shes still inlove with me. i feel like im the only one fighting to keep this marriage going and shes told me that she stopped fighting for it. The latest arguement was over her spending $90 at a store and when i asked her what she bought she told me that she ddnt remember , which got me mad as only a week ago before i got payed we barly had $50 left in our account. instead she gets mad at me asking why im checking what shes buying and that she wants to but all ties to me such as bank acount , phone , insurance , and car. Idk if she just cant take the married life our what. i just really dont know how to fix things and make it work. I want this to work and im fighting for it but i feel like it might be for no reason if shes not willing to help try to fix it.
If she's stated she didn't want to get married but rather wanted to go to college, and she felt she didn't have a choice then she's basically saying it was an obligation to get married.
She's saying she was obliged to get married otherwise you pair wouldn't see each other for 5 years because of the marine corp.
If she's beating herself up now because of the rushed marriage, then you will be the last person she'll want to discuss it with.
So when you try to discuss it and sort it, the shutters go up because among other reasons, you've stated she's stopped fighting for it. If this is true, she's given up on it.
A true marriage/relationship doesn't have obligations, it's just love and respect. It's a 2 way street as well and the communication just flows.
It also relies on both partners to put in daily for life..(to make it work as you state)..when one or both stop, it's finished.
son,listen to me,i was once a jarhead my self.back in the 70s.anyway being in the service is hard.if your young.just let it go and try to stay in the service for your self.if you don,t have a good m.os get 20 or 30 years you would not regret it.your marriage would be over if she,s acting like is a two way street.and lifes to short to live in misery
Brother. I understand the difficulties of relationships while in the Corps. I was lucky with the one I found but that is a different story. You have the option of going to the Chaplin to discuss your situation or going to the on post counselor. If she is not willing to go then it will not work. Communication is everything. It sounds like she wasn't really ready for married life especially if she give up everything she was used to in her life and now lives the military way of life. I doubt she understands this new life in its entirety. Ask her what she wants from the marriage. If she is willing to go to counseling then go. If not then the marriage is headed in the wrong direction. It takes two people in a marriage to make it work.
Semper Fi