I can't get my husband interested in sex

BELLAJAY - Jan 14 2014 at 10:18
I have been married for 21yrs and I can honestly say I can count on one hand the amount of times my husband has been the one to take the lead in the bedroom. I recently tried to get something started by dressing in his white business shirt, six inch heels and nothing else. I sat very provocately on the edge of the bed as he walked in and well lets just say the reaction was not what I was expecting! Is that not something men would like their wives to do? I show him all the time how much I desire him but he makes me feel like making love to me is such a chore, one more job to do. What am I doing wrong?
I'm a healthy 26 year old guy in a 2 year relationship, and I can relate to your husband. Some men just aren't as sexual as others, I can easily go a week without having sex. However, this could also be due to testosterone levels. Although I don't consider myself to be as sexual as what most men probably are, I did go through a period where I had no sexual desire whatsoever. I saw a doctor about this and got my testosterone levels checked, they had dropped significantly. Went back 3 months later, and had my T levels tested again, they were significantly higher ( I also noticed improved libido). The doctor explained that it's normal for T levels to fluctuate. So basically, it could be a combination of just not being a very sexual person, and a stage of having low T levels.
I guess I should of explained the situation a little better (sorry first time on a forum). Trust me after 21yrs of marriage there have been many conversations around this topic. My husband says it's just not that important to him and he is very happy to go a month or more without sex. I'm the one climbing the walls . I have repeatedly asked him to get a check up but he refuses. I feel after all this time being the one in our marriage to accept his lack of desire (and do nothing about it, even though he knows it hurts me) I can't see myself living like this any longer, I love him and desperately want my marriage. I just feel so rejected and hurt.
Hes clearly an internet wanker ie porn addict. Men want blonde sluts with no pubes and big fake boobs who like getting fucked in the arse and their faces cummed on. If you cant be that then you need be single or a lesbian.
Sorry but not making love equals no love!! Leave him now, he might be gay.