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Is this person my friend?

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I have a female co-worker who I became close friends with this past summer. We hung out numerous times for drinks and always seemed to have a good time. It was my birthday this past October and we went out for drinks, maybe a few too many and we ended up having a fun little make out session (I'm female). I didn't take it as a big deal and we didn't discuss it after but I noticed she distanced herself immediately. The constant text messages stopped, the interaction at work seemed a bit colder, over-all her attitude towards me just seemed to flat line a bit. This caused a panic for me, because I viewed her as a new friend and really didn't think a drunken kiss would change anything especially one that I personally barely remember. I approached her asking her why the distance and her response was as if nothing had changed. So as much as it hurt I just let time pass. Eventually she seemed to come back around and everything seemed to get right back to normal as far as communicating with me. With the exception that we never hung out anymore not once since that October night out. I'd ask her and she'd always have a reason as to why she couldn't. Sometimes I could tell it was a blatant white lie and she was really out doing something else, but I can't force someone to want to hang out with me. I just really don't understand it all. Finally we made plans together to attend a concert together, I was really excited about it and she was also very vocal on being excited as well. She spoke to me constantly EVERYDAY ALL DAY whether it be in person, text, FB, just none stop communication. We go out to the concert together to me everything seemed to be fine and normal, we had drinks maybe she had a few too many afterwards she met my friends at a bar seemed to be having fun there. NOTHING happened between us no drunken make out session, no drama everything seemed great. The following day she leaves my house and 4 days later she has barely spoken to me. It's like it's happening ALL over again. She somewhat avoided me at work, hasn't really texted me, has blatantly ignored my texts. To say i'm not pissed off would be a lie. I don't get this girl at all or if we are even friends. I don't understand how I am constantly nice to her, there for her, listen to ALL her issues all hours of the day, but then we hang out and she completely shuts me down after when I did NOTHING to her while we hung out. I don't know if I should wait it out and if the distance continues approach her. Or just say screw it and distance myself right back until maybe she says something to me? I really don't find any of it to make sense, but it really hurts my feelings and has given me this complex like I'm not good enough for her company or something. What should I do?

Is this person my friend?

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I don't want anything more but a friendship. I have done nothing to her to suggest that I want to take it to any other level. If anything she has contacted me more than I have to her. And I've done nothing but be there for her to listen to her boy problems or work problems. Even when we hung out a couple of days ago I enjoyed the concert while she went off with a guy and made no issue of it.

Is this person my friend?

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Maybe she's the one who has 'more' feelings for u and doesnt know how to deal with so is running away and hiding from it instead. Just a thought... is she ment to be straight? maybe u make her question it after what happened and shes not sure how to deal with it? I say ask her outright and if she denys it all again as if nothing's wrong then move on n spend ur time with another friend see what she does then when u stop showing interest.

Is this person my friend?

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This should be your bigest problem in life. GEEZ

Is this person my friend?

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Dear Phoenix - I'd say you scared her? Why? We can only speculate. Let her know you are only interested in friendship and back it up by staying in touch (but not close touch) without putting any pressure on her. Then you just have to wait and see. Friends need different things at different times. Good luck, Whatsup

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