Do we stay together?
SHAYBOTTOMDOLLAR - Jan 23 2014 at 01:03
We've been together for 10 years. Its been the same all along. Don't get me wrong, I love him. He's my best friend. I cook, I clean, I do the shopping. I do everything. I've asked for help and barely receive it. When I do get help, I have to hold his hand. He requires a 'mommy' I should say. He tells me that if I have a problem, I can just tell him. When I do, he gets all pissed off at me. I'm just expressing to him how I feel. Is that so wrong? Because sometimes, I feel he doesn't care. He doesn't kiss me the way he used too, look at me the same, talk to me. Our loving is fading or he fell out of love with me. I've given him the chance to change or I leave. Am I wrong? I don't want to leave because I do love him. But when I asked him why we should stay together, all he said was "what do you want me to say?" That breaks my heart. But I'm not suppose to feel this way? Can someone please help me? I'm going to break.
Hi Shay -
You aren't wrong! He won't talk about how you feel...I don't see that you have any alternative but...searching elsewhere for a more fulfilling relationship.
I do see why he doesn't want you to go. Where is he going to find a more loving partner? Oh wait, if he were a partner you wouldn't be having this issue!
You do have to think of yourself first because he isn't!
This will be very hard esp because you love him but...he isn't giving you any other choice. Keep in touch if we can be of any help.
10 years is a substantial chunk of your life to be in a relationship which you describe as tedious and a one way street.
You can continue to put in and do everything and continue to be hurt OR you can put in with another partner who appreciates you for who you are. In other words, you have a choice.
If his comments break your heart and you've given him the chance to change or you leave, then you're being honest with him. You're telling him how you feel.
If his reaction to this is indifference, then I'm sorry, but there's your answer.
If you stay, you'll only end up back where you are now.
As harsh as it sounds, particularly after 10 years, it's better for you to put in to another relationship where it is reciprocated back to you. That way you will be respected, loved and appreciated which is what you deserve.
Be kind to yourself, Shay....
10 years is a lot of time to put into a relationship. I have long suffered in relationships before and I don't know why is stick it out and stay with guys who clearly don't deserve me... So no this is not uncommon. You were good to him, he does not get it. I have my only rope to chew thru but I will tell you this, staying longer is not going to fix it. Over time he will get older and the demands will be greater. Have fun with your life while you can.
I guess I've been kidding myself all along. I wanted to believe he loved me enough. It's been an ongoing issue since 2012. & I vowed to myself for 2014, I was going to get rid of the negative. You are all right. He hasn't been a friend to me since I stopped planning things for us. I used to plan random trips just because we could. Once I stopped doing things like that, we just sit home. I really do love him and it will be hard to turn my back. He's all I've ever known. I was 16 when we got together. I feel stuck sometimes. I'm just afraid I'm going to cave. I know if I leave he'll come running to me. I just have to find something better to do with my time. I no longer have friends that I can turn too because he always had a problem with them. I should've known then. Maybe I've gone through this whole relationship blind folded. I guess I just need someone there who actually cares and to listen to me. Keeping my feelings inside has bothered me long enough. Thank you all so much for your advice. It's nice to have someone hear me out just for a second. It just bothers me more that people I don't know care more how I feel than the man I love.
I stayed with him after he moved 1300 miles away. We were suppose to get married in 2012 and he moved out and away 2 months before the wedding. Literally. 2 months to the date. I had all of this stuff. I was heart broken. I still think about that. He didn't love me enough to stay with me then. Why should I have to put up with this now. He has turned his back on me. Now is my time.