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Do I stick it out?

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My boyfriend and I were scheduled to go to a casino hotel see a concert and spend the night. Before I made the reservations, he brought it up several times to make sure of the date. And then after I made the reservation, he sounded as though he was looking forward to it. Well, today, he calls me and says that he doesn't want to go because "it's cold outside, we'll be in this big unfamiliar place, and he would rather we spend the time together at his warm cozy house." I can't wrap my head around this, it seems psychotic to me! He's a nice guy, should I stick it out or dump him?

Do I stick it out?

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Something or someone prevented him from wanting to go. His excuse of a "big unfamiliar place" smacks of the ridiculous, after all it was at a Casino and the highlight was a concert, plus spend the night there....a welcome change and all that excitement as well...and he prefers to spend the night at his home with you..and after you made the reservations!? I'll throw a spanner in the works....sounds like he checked the date several times, he pretended to be excited about it but he waited until the last minute and came up with an excuse....for not wanting to be seen at the venue with you on that date. You've only listed this one episode here.....if there has been others instances where he has confounded you with his thinking then you need to sit him down and ask what is happening in his life if you're serious about him.

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