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Long distance

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I've known this guy for over 3 years. We talked a lot off and on. I've liked him for so very long. We recently started a long distance relationship. I have issues due to past relationships just like everyone. Cheated on, lied to, never was enough. I have major jealousy issues, as does he. Anywho, he says he wants to be with me physically. Have a REAL relationship in person. But he's been acting a bit different then usual. He's usually very talkative and full of smiles. Tells me all sorts of sweet things. We skype everyday basically all day. Now he's.. hardly smiling. He sighs a lot. Not really.. talking to me much. I ask him what's wrong he always says nothing. I feel like he's bored with me, but just doesn't know how to say it. Any advice, suggestions? Other then long distance doesn't work. Because I know it does. Most relationships now days start online, and I've seen quite a few work out.

Long distance

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Sadpanda, long distance relationships work out when both partners put in and make it work. Both of you have issues from past relationships but you skype daily. If he's there to skype then he's still contributing to your relationship...his actions speak to you because it's very easy not to skype. But he could be dealing with past issues which weigh him down...hence the sighs, the non talking, the denying of anything wrong.... but he's still communicating with you! Us men are the last people to admit something is wrong because it's admitting weakness. Say sweet things to him and wait for the could be pleasantly surprised.

Long distance

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I agree with manalone... It's hard for men to communicate that something could possibly be wrong or if they are feeling a little down. We all feel like blah sometimes. I would stress much because he is still skype available to you. Anxiety and loneliness get the best of us and we get a little down. Sound like everything is okay other than that. Have him put his arms around himself and squeeze next Skype a virtual hug from you may be needed!

Long distance

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Hi Sad - It doesn't seem like you are ready to give up just yet. Be really honest with him: ask "What's going on in your life that I don't know about? Why do I's obvious to me, your not your usual self and I care and want to help you." If he can't or won't respond to that approach it should give you pause as to how he will react to the problems life throws at everyone, and the problems everyone needs help with. Try again and maybe again to see where it leads you together. Keep in touch. Whatsup

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