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Do men not like to date women who are virgins in their 20s?

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Do men not like to date women who are virgins in their 20s?

Do men not like to date women who are virgins in their 20s?

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You havn\'t really explained how it is that they know you are a virgin, you should be looking for a guy who wants to date you develop respect for you.

Do men not like to date women who are virgins in their 20s?

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hi im a 23 year old male and if i was in a relationship with a 20 year old vergin i would respect the fact that she has waited to find the right person, my gf is 21 and she has only had sex with one other person before she met me, so she asked me take my time and be patient. to be honest for myself the wait made all that more better when i did make love to her. basicly what im saying is if u are a vergin in ur 20s and sumone is forcing u to lose ur vrginty then there not worth it. i lost my virginty went i was 16 and i regret it. i wish i had waited so in sum cases i envy those 20 year olds who hav waited theres nothing wrong with it

Do men not like to date women who are virgins in their 20s?

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Men LOVE virgin women in their 20s. If there's any problem, come over to Yankeeland here, and you will be treated with the luvvvvv and respekt you ME! I also have a good amount of cash to spend, so pleez let me know if you're interested.

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