My Mrs and my son
LIAM95 - Jan 31 2014 at 20:53
a few years ago my son had issues stealing from us because of drugs and wanting to be the big man, his step mum who has been great to him just cant forgive him she drinks a lot and i know she blames both of us for the issues but i cant seem to get either of them to try and mend the issues and its breaking my heart my lad is not all bad and he is trying but he is so obsessed with money and my mrs would rather be right than happy its ridiculous I cant make her see that her rants really upset me to the point i just want to break down and she is obsessed with thinking everytime i see him i buy him things..i truly do not know what to do and neither of them seem to understand that their hate of each other is ripping me to bits...any advice would be very very welcome
I don't understand who is the step mum and who is the mrs.
First of all you are not being the man of the house, you are too caught with the two ladies.
You are spoiling him.
Be A man, let the two ladies war against one another and stay out of it trying to be the peacemaker.
Be a man and stop spoiling your son.
Get him help.