A tough situation!

IHOPESO11 - Feb 4 2014 at 04:50
I started going to this school my freshman year, and I made a few friends really fast. One a girl "Carla", a boy names "Trevor" and another boy named "Nick". Carla and Trevor had formerly dated for 3 years and had broken up the year before I came, but continued and continue in having an on/off secret hookup type thing that never really ends up working out. Nick is Trevor's former step brother, but they still consider each other brothers and are really close. Carla soon became my best friend and soon Nick and I started dating. Me and Nick dating brought me and Trevor really close together, besides Nick, Trevor was my best guy friend, I could count on him for anything, he always gave the best advice, he was like the older brother I never had. After 2 years of an amazing relationship me and Nick tragically broke up, it was one of those nasty breakups in which you never talk to the other again and at the beginning of it Trevor was involved in the nastiness also, the only best friend I had left was Carla. I was in a really dark place to the point where I was severely depressed, until Trevor started talking to me again. That summer (the summer going into my junior year) Trevor and I became closer than ever, bonding over some alcohol experiences during which I would cry in Trevor's arms talking about Nick and he would give me advice and comfort me. Junior year started and Trevor and Carla were somewhat still in there "on/off thing". One night Trevor Me and a few other people went snowboarding until 3am and then spent the night together, that night Trevor and I cuddled (which I thought nothing of because we are such close friends) but at on point during the night we stated to make out, this was the first time we had made this kind of contact, and I was suprisinlgy happy about it. Trevor and I then started to text and hang out and bang, and he started to ignore Carla as did I, what Trevor and I had lasted about a month but was never that serious, even though I started to fall in love with him. I was happier than ever before, I never thought I would ever find love after Nick, but there it was right in front of me. Before we got a chance to become a little more serious Trevor and I started to drift apart, one day I texted him asking if we could just be friends again knowing what we had was over, he said we would always be friends no matter what, and I asked him why things had to end, he said he was really happy with me and that he missed spending time together but he felt "it wasn't right". I asked him if it would ever be right and he said "maybe". For the following month Trevor and Carla started there "on/off" thing once again as I just acted like nothing ever happened even though every time I saw Trevor I died a little inside, and then one night at 4am he came over, we didn't say much, but we watched a movie and had sex. I thought maybe after this he would start talking to me again like we used to, but it's been 2 days and all I've got was a text from him saying "thank you for letting me come over". I don't know if I should text him and pursue this because its obvious I'm in love with him, and he might be in love with me too, but our relationship would be a secret for a long time because of him and Carla. I tried to explain this the best I could but it's just a very tough situation and I don't know what to do.
He's using you sweetie. And you're letting him bc of your feelings for him. Cut him off altogether and see if he decides he just wants you. If not you did yourself a favor and you can move on. He knows you will be there when its convenient for him.
Ihopeso, Trevor is a guy who has strung Carla along for awhile. He's used her and now he's doing it to you. And he'll continue to do it to Carla at the same time.
While you continue to allow him in your life, the going will always be tough.
Realize what/who he is. Once you do this, life will be easier.
i agree with the rest i feel like he is just wanting you for sex but i could be wrong if he wants you because he is truly in love with you then say no when he wants to have sex or do anything out of a friend window he only wants to be friends with benefits don't let that happen and if he really wants to be with you he will stop doing Carla and stop with the on and off thing and realize that someone amazing is head over heals for him and he doesn't jump on that opportunity don't let him have a back up when Carla doesn't work out don't be number two be number one