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How do I get him back?

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So my boyfriend and I have been together 2 1/2 years. For both of us it was our longest and most serious relationship. We are in our early 20s. He broke up with me over text message almost 2 weeks ago because he said he couldn't do it to my face and we haven't talked since. I never went crying to him or begging for him back even though it's been extremely difficult. All I wanna do is talk to him but I've heard of the no contact rule and how that can help to bring them back. When end we were together we talked about marriage and kids and he even gave me a promise ring (which I gave back). Bottom line is I feel like a part of me is missing and I don't know what to do. He recently just lost a close family member and I want to check on him but not sure if I should or not. I'm just confused and not sure what I should do. Any advice is appreciated.

How do I get him back?

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Seriously Jordan, how can you have any respect for a man who broke up with you via a text? After a 2.5 year 'serious' relationship, any 'real' man would have told you face to face. He owed that to you whether you realize it or not. Have a good look at your BF and ask yourself if you really want a man like this in your life. Once you have decided, then you can worry about getting him back,.. but frankly, if my GF treated me like this, I'd be grateful she was gone out of my life!

How do I get him back?

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Hello Jordan, I think the reasons for breaking up is very important. I feel that, i mean if it was me that got left after a 2.5 year relationship, I'd like to know why bcause for a relationship to last that long, It should be somewhat stable. The relationship has transformed to reliance and not just the rush you get when you see that special person. Checking up on him is vital. As respect for the long relationship you have. From then on, whatever the reason for the breakup should lead you to the next move. If he cheated - you know you need to move on because you deserve someone who's not an ass. If he just needs space (could be a short break up) - give him time and space. Most importantly, know how YOU feel about this relationship and where do you want this relationship to go. all the best, cheer.

How do I get him back?

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i think you should check up on him even if your not dating its the right thing to do people make mistakes and i think hes just needs space because his family member died that's why he broke up with you and i get why he did it in text because he didn't want to see your beautiful face and make you cry that would make it so hurt full i think you should try to comfort him as a friend and if he pushes you away then give him space and don't talk about you relationship while your cheering him up he might think your only doing that to get him back not just to comfort him

How do I get him back?

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Jordan, How old are you? If you are under 20 I understand why you are doing what you are doing because your mind is fully developed yet and you are young and naive...if you are over 20 wake up and smell the coffee! I know you may be hurt and miss him and want to be with him again the memories keep haunting you..we have all been there. He doesnt want to be with you, If he did he wouldnt of broke up with you over text messaging...HELLO! If he wanted someone to talk to he would of contacted you...he doesnt want to be with you hun or talk to you or nothing at all with you thats his loss. Whatever problems is he having thats his dont see him comforting you he made YOU feel like sh**! You should put yourself before anyone else you sound like such a sweet young girl or can do better than this jerk. If he was a real man with a pair of balls he would of told you to your face! and if he wanted you he would be calling you,dont call him...dont text him dont even answer any calls from him i wouldnt tell him"too bad ooh well!" move on with your life, This feeling that your feeling now will dissapear I know you wanna know why? I was you 4 years ago it took me a long time to get over my ex bf who cheated on me it was more than that...basically I became depressed at 17 (im 21 now) and attempted suicide I didnt care about myself it was always about him and how HE felt. I chased him after that too,he would say he wanted me over text one day literally the next he didnt want me anymore....I moved on grew a back bone and gave him back his chain necklace he tried to kiss me but I told him to screw himself we are done i can do better I went to my grandparents house I remember making a list of all the things I wanted in a REAL late 2011 I met my now fiance. He was all the things I wanted. Point is hun, if I can do it you can do it dont be like me...dont let a MAN destroy you, Your other half isnt are all YOU need dont depend on someone else to be happy. I wish someone would of told me that when I was 17. Now im telling you.

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