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What do I do now?

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My boyfriend of 2.5 years and I broke up 2 weeks ago. It was a serious relationship. He lost a close family member a little while ago and I knew that even though his family situation is difficult it has to be bothering him at least a little bit so I sent him a nice text saying I was sorry and praying for him and what not and he never answered me. I'm wondering why?

What do I do now?

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Did you break up after or before the death of the family member? I lost someone that I loved dearly and it affected my relationship so much that we are no longer together a year after the death happened. Grief is so unreasonable and unpredictable. He is most likely grieving over the death but also about your relationship as well.

What do I do now?

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We broke up before.

What do I do now?

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Rule of thumb: no contact with ex for at least one year after breakup. Do not contact him, and do not respond to him. This is so that you can heal from the breakup. Dr Shamp

What do I do now?

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He is probably struggling with a lot of grief right now, and it was a kind thing to do to send him your condolences. When you date a person for that long you get to know their family, and it makes a break-up even more difficult. I think you did the right thing, but don't expect and/or feel in need of a reply, in his mind the relationship is over and he has a lot on his mind. You did your part, so now give him space to grieve and recuperate. It will be a while before he will be able to face you and until then give him the privacy he needs to feel better

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