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Cheated on boyfriend, he wants to seriously hurt the guy I cheated on him with

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Basically, I cheated on my partner of 5 years with an old friend of mine (call him Mr X), my partner found out and we consequently broke up. I know his heart is broken and he wants payback but he is threatening to hire a friend to beat Mr X up, I'm talking mugging and possibly dumping him in the middle of no where, thing is my ex didn't know where Mr X lives. He hired a "hacker" to get Mr X's details, the "hacker" did more than that, he got his life story, home and work address, family addresses and workplaces and the address of Mr X's mum's holiday home (the "hacker" also closed down the website and hotmail account used for hiring out the holiday home). I have to tell Mr X because I don't want him or his innocent family to get hurt. I've been told if I warn Mr X or go to the police I may be hurt myself. I'm not scared but really confused as to what to do. If it helps, I live within the UK, as does the "hacker" so I would be willing to contact any groups that are against hackers and illegitimate accessing of information, who knows who else's personal information this guy could tap into. If I get hurt, I can live with that but I certainly don't want to hear that Mr X's family have suffered and I couldn't live with the guilt of not warning him so that's not an option. I also realise Mr X will never want to talk to me again, either way I'm going to lose him. Please, please any advice will be greatly appreciated...

Cheated on boyfriend, he wants to seriously hurt the guy I cheated on him with

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Jesus you sound like someone I know. I'm surprised he's (your boyfriend whom you cheated on) staying by your side. Let men be men. You're a hoe. I have no respect for cheaters. But good luck.

Cheated on boyfriend, he wants to seriously hurt the guy I cheated on him with

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Your partner is more than hurt from you actions. He is enraged to the extent of using violence. Regardless if you can live with getting hurt or not, you owe it Mr.X to warn him because his family have been dragged into it now. These people are more than innocent. THEY will go the police whatever happens because their personal property has been criminally tampered with. Mr.X also needs to take responsibility, AS YOU DO, for his actions. One thing you need to remember, as your partner is capable of extreme reactions, he's possibly going to be enraged for a long time and even if you prevent this payback from happening now it doesn't mean it won't happen in the distant future.

Cheated on boyfriend, he wants to seriously hurt the guy I cheated on him with

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so your telling me that YOU cheated on your partner of 5 years for some idiot not worth all of this? Who's fault is this whole thing? this is all YOUR fault. If something happens to that guy guess what? You started all of this. You couldnt be women enough to tell him you didnt want to be with him anymore? Im not going to sugar coat nothing for you so you can "feel better",wrong person thats not me. Personally I dont care if you like what Im saying or not..I dont feel bad for you whatsoever. You are going to have to live with the guilt you made your bed now YOU sleep in it. You didnt consider your partners feelings before you decided to spread your legs? You are selfish. You need to just shut up keep your mouth shut and not say anything like you said you might get injured yourself this isnt a girl fight these are men you prob angered many family their families,friends etc...just keep your mouth shut apologize drop both of them because ist not fair to either of them. I personally dont know why he is going after the other guy....its not his fault its yours he should have his sister go after you personally I dont know why people go after the mistress or "other man" when its their partner to blame. Karma is something sweet heart, when you get cheated on someday ...dont go crying on here. Just apologize,shut up and dont talk to either of them,change your number,GROW UP! stop cheating on people. Move on. Your guilt will always affect you and...sorry but thats too bad. This is all your fault. No one is going to pitty you,maybe of how ignorant and how you act like a little girl by cheating but thats it.

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