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Depressed LDR

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I've been dating my SO for a year and a half. I'm currently 14 and she is 15, we live about 2 hours apart so we rarely see each other, maybe once a month. We met on a website we started and had been best friends for 3 years before we admitted we liked each other. She has been diagnosed depressed and anxiety disorder for about 3 years, and I recently have become depressed, although it does run in my family. For a long time this girl was the most important thing in the world, she was my everything; I loved her. I met a girl at the start of the school year, and we now have 3 classes together. She is now the greatest thing in my life. More so than my girlfriend. It's killing my to be with my girlfriend, but I have no idea how to break up with her. One time we were in a conversation that went a little dark and I thought it would be the end, and after we resolved it she told me she had never come so close to suicide. She is homeschooled and her home life is not great. I fear for her safety and honestly I have had no prior experience in breaking up with someone. I'm not sure if this is the right place to be doing so, but I'm looking for advice/opinions as to what I should do.

Depressed LDR

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In my opinion, you are not starting your dating career off on the right track. One of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship is honesty. You need to tell your g/f how you feel, as she deserves to heal and move on. Also, you are young to be worried about girlfriends....worry more about what you want to be when you grow up and have fun while you can.

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