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I just don't know anymore...

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Realistically, I don't think my boyfriend loves me anymore (or that he really ever did). We've been together for four years and he's only ever called me beautiful one time (through text message, never vocally). We hardly ever go out because there's nothing he likes to do. I have to beg him to go to a movie or to go do something with me. Whenever we DO go out, I always pay. Always. At any typical "celebration" holiday (Christmas, birthdays, anniversary, Valentine's Day), he doesn't buy me a gift, his mother does. Any money he DOES have goes towards his car. I told him that I feel he loves his car more than me and he's flat out stated he would choose it over me. When I cry or have a panic attack, he doesn't help me and he has never offered to call and help me through anything. I've told him my feelings before and he promised he'd change. That was over a year ago and nothing has changed. Anytime I ask him to cuddle, he usually doesn't want to. Otherwise, I can never snuggle up to him because "it's uncomfortable when you lay on me," so I have to deal with him laying on me. I feel like the only reason he is still with me is because he is doesn't want to be single and I feel like the only reason I'm still with him is because I'm still waiting for him to change. What do you think I should do?

I just don't know anymore...

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I have to be honest with you honey, I think he may have thought he might love you, at some point, but now he has realized he wants something, or can have something more! Not saying that you are nothing, just that he is an ass and a child and doesn't really know what he wants and is gonna regret ever losing someone like you who actually loved him!! I say you need to say it's done, look for somebody new and move on! It's like the quote, "how can you find the right one, when your still holding on to the wrong one!" I bet your beautiful in more ways than you think, because everyone is! He will want you back, but don't take him back!!! I know it is easier to give advice than to actually practice it! I too am guilty of this habit! The thing's not fair and you don't deserve to feel this way!! I've literally been run over by men, spat on by men, shoved, pushed around, punched and had the ever living hell beat out of me by past boyfriends! I am scarred, but not tainted, I still fight back and say f$@*#you when necessary! Please don't discredit yourself! I don't know you but I do know that every human being in this world deserves to know real life and though I have not found it and neither have you, that is absolutely no reason to stop looking for it! I know how much it hurts to start over again and I know how much it hurts to lose the loves we thought we'd found! Torture is not the answer! There is so much more out there and you need to keep looking! Please move on! Give me the inspiration I need to stop letting men make me feel like nothing! Plenty of fish in the sea!

I just don't know anymore...

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Never get into the business of trying to change someone, it rarely works! You have asked him to change and he hasn't so if you are honest with yourself he most likely won't in the future either. Sounds to me like everything is on his terms and you also have to foot the bill! Is this really what you want for the rest of you life... imagine this relationship 10 years down the track, if you don't like what you see then do yourself a favor and end it. Find someone who will adore you, put you first and make you feel special. Its very easy especially after 4 years to stick with the 'devil you know" but don't settle just because its easy and familiar. I really believe that everyone is responsible for their own happiness but the ppl we choose to have in our lives shouldn't drag us down. So the choice is yours put up with the same old same old, be the 2nd to the car, cash machine girl at his convenience or go get yourself some real happiness!

I just don't know anymore...

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So you have your answer, the 2 other opinions are spot on. Theres not many ppl who will tell u to stay n fight 4 your love based on what you have said, drop this sad sack ASAP, you deserve better

I just don't know anymore...

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Are you sure he is not Gay? Some of the signs you mention point to either gay or asexual. I mean come of it, men usually wait for a chance with a girl but he is totally disinterested! I know its hard but he is not good for you and doesn't deserve you either. Find a better guy dear.

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