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Is it my business

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I am unsure whether to involve myself . I just became aware that my now x wife ( diivorced Dec 21st 2013) has been seeing a married manfor sometime now , 1 year or so . I do not know for sure however, there seems to be efforts taking place to keep their deal from being exposed . Our breakup was mutual . What I am struggling with is whether to involve myself by contacting him , or his wife , to make sure she knows the truth ?my my x wife refuses to discuss . Thanks

Is it my business

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I agree with Susie. You just get on with your own life now. Your ex wife is no longer your responsibility, she can do what she wants with whom ever she wants as it's not actually any of your business any more. Leave 'em to it, they're playing a very dangerous game and truth will out it always does. If this is because you are feeling sorry for his wife an anonymous letter/text saying 'Do you know where your husband was on such and such a date...' because you'd have to give a few dates to help her see there's a pattern of behaviour happening for the penny to drop. Dunno it's sorely tempting to get involved...

Is it my business

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It is NOT your place to divulge that information, especially if you do not know for sure. I would suggest you go on with your life, focus on yourself and let your ex hang herself....because what she and her dude are doing is sure to create some serious Karma kickback! And, this is probably not this man's first extra-marital, let is all reveal itself and stay out of it.

Is it my business

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She's your EX wife. If there are no children between the two of you why would you concern yourself with her business? Ex means you don't get to decide how she lives her life. And whether you approve or not is of no relevance to the situation. Her business is HER business. Getting in the middle of a potentially explosive situation can only end badly - for YOU.

Is it my business

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Will only increase bitterness between you and your ex. Doesn't serve any purpose. You are not sure if she is seeing this man and if she was seeing, you still are not sure if she is already aware that he is married. So better and safer to stay a mile away.

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