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Hurtful things said

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My father once said to me I would of ended up a spinster ig i hadnt of met my husband. At the time I didnt think much about it yet years later it keeps coming back to me what he said and I wish I had said he would of ended up a bachelor if he hadnt of met my mother. Also my sister once said I had small breast and again I didnt say anything and my husband said a couple of years ago when I asked him if he had a photo of me in his wallet, he said unfortunately I do then said he didnt mean it. I feel so stupid that I never said anything back and these are people who are suppose to love me. I dont bother with my sister now because I dont get on with her not just because of what she said but because she is a horrible person to know. My father I havent saw for six years and probably never will again but he will never know how much his words hurt me. I have been nice and put his name on xmas cards but he will never know what his words done to me by making me feel so bad about myself and hating myself because I think maybe he was right. My husband, well I was going to get a keyring for him for valentines to put a photo of us both in then I remembered what he said to me years back and I didnt buy ot. I thought he will not want a picture of me when he said years ago unfortunately he had one of me. Why have I been picked on and criticised by them all and why didnt I speak up at the time instead of getting walked over

Hurtful things said

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Sky - Oh dear, well my sweet I'm going to start with your husband as he is immediate family. OK? Well he WAS joking! If he wasn't why on earth (a) would he have been attracted to you in the first place (b) marry you & (c) why would he stay with someone that he didn't think was the bees knees? Now come on Miss Sensitivity pants see it for what it was, a bit of a joke. That was mean what your dad said but again you most probably took it to heart and he's forgotten all about it by now being a fella. If he's still with us you could try writing a letter to don't have to post it BUT it may make you feel a little better knowing you have the power to send it should you so choose. Your sister...that's what siblings do chick they insult each other are generally horrible and rude! That doesn't mean they hate you really. Personally I think we're a tad sensitive & you shouldn't let it rule your life as you are here for a reason, we all are. Head held high now, people will have forgotten what they've said. Time to let go as you cannot change the past but can shape the future. Good luck.

Hurtful things said

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I don't think you're over sensitive. Those sorts of comments would really upset me too. I think you should tell your family that what they have said really hurt you. Maybe some counselling would be helpful to boost your confidence.

Hurtful things said

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Parents often say things that they don't give another thought, but are actually hurtful to their children. Parents are imperfect people, too. Perhaps you could move past it if you were to discuss these things with your husband and father so they understand how they hurt you and allow them to respond to your feelings. Those are unfortunate comments, but not ones that are overtly hurtful on purpose. Maybe you are being a little overly sensitive as well.. =)

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