Should I have an abortion?

MANDA25 - Feb 23 2014 at 08:29
My boyfriend and I have been on andn off for a year. Hr has broken up with me 1000000 times due to insecurity issues from day one. He was also verbally abusive and has hurt me emotionally alot. Anyways when were good were good which is why I stay and still love him however I just found out I am pregnany and feel we are not ready for a kid.. we are both financially unstable, and we are still very rocky. I am only 25 and havent even finished college andb if fail one class my financial aid is revoked for life. My biyfriend howevet is threatening to leave me if in havr an abortion. He wants this kid very bad. I am so stressed and dont known if he is wrong for putting me in this desicion!
No you should not have an abortion. Love and cherish your child.
no offense meant but you put yourself in that situation as well. It's not the childs fault. If it was from a violent raping or something I could see abortion as an option for the woman but for just screwing around and getting pregnant that is a bit unfair to the child denying him or her the chance to life. Worse case carry the child to term and put him or her up for adoption or in this case since the father is wanting the child sign over rights to him and let him be the dad he wants to be. But make no mistake you put yourself in that situation as well. So trying to blame him isn't right.
No. I don't want you to abort your baby. I would rather raise the baby or find foster parents for him/her.
hi firstly absolutely no judgement here. I can imagine a huge moral dilemma you are faced with. You sound confused and your environment sounds chaotic , with not much stability. I would not say it is right or wrong to have an abortion , I do not think a moral argument is needed here. I think you need to find a safe place to hear yourself. the decision has to be yours , you have to live with it, and it is your body too. I would before you do anything seek counseling, specific to abortion and relationship advice. This is your life. I think your voice needs to be heard, only you know what is best for you. I wish you luck, both of you. The foundations need to be sound first for a child to be introduced.