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Ex is trying to take our daughter

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My ex who i currently live with ended our relationship we have a 3 year old daughter who we both love when our relationship ended we aggreed to joint and equal access i suggested medeation and she did not want to do that but now she has got advice and we are now going through medeation that is hard enough but today i find out she is planing to move out and take our daughter with her and change her school i dont want more than my ex i just want equal rights have no idea what to do hence me doing this at 1:45am because im worried she will take our daughter.

Ex is trying to take our daughter

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I would apply for custody just to be safe. Try talking to your ex and letting her know your feelings and concerns for your daughter.

Ex is trying to take our daughter

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Speak to her and try to convince her as to why its important for your daughter to have access to both parents. Address her fears about you having access to your daughter as well. Convince her she will also have equal and fair access. Other than that best to take legal advice on it too.

Ex is trying to take our daughter

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I hear you Markdance. My wife and I were madly in love and good friends. Our separation though was acrimonious. Our kids suffered. Our local mediator recommended an online parenting plan service www splittingup-putkidsfirst org uk. We didnt need to meet in person so it was an amicable resolution to the problem. I recommend it - its also free

Ex is trying to take our daughter

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Unfortunatly she has taken our daughter i was asleep and woke up to find she had gone as well as our daughter, her father sat on sofa waiting for the hoards to come and take her stuff i called the police who were infact realy nice but because she set up mediation were powerless so now although i also have parental rights there is nothing i can do im not looking forward to the future as legal aid has now stopped the system is set up for mothers and not the fathers and so now i have no idea where she lives and can only wait for mediation for my ex to not agree to anything:-( sad times but i wont give in.

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