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Boyfriend addicted to porn

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My boyfriend and I have been together for about 6 years. We have a 2, 10, and 11 year old. We both work full time. I discovered last night that he has been watching (taking care of himself) porn while he is at work on his company phone. He at first lied to me about it. We have had issues with this before. He said it is my fault because I don't "give it up." We probably have relations once a week. Not only does this make me mad, but it disgusts me. I don't even want to be beside him. I am talking about being over for good. Is this common and am I overreacting?

Boyfriend addicted to porn

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I know exactly what you're going through (mine used to do the same thing). I didn't talk to my fiance for at least 3 weeks nor did I even want to be in the same room as him after I caught him (yes, caught him in the act and he lied about it even after I confronted but finally admitted to it). All of this is solely my opinion but I find it disgusting as well. I'd tell him how it makes you feel and if he decides he's not going to stop then I'd leave.

Boyfriend addicted to porn

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Blueandgreen, you need to understand that porn is shared with couples all over the world daily, but it needs to be MUTUAL and it needs to be a shared interest. You're BF has gone behind your back,...he's basically denying you a part of your relationship. Take your thoughts back to when you first met your BF. If he truly shared your values and standards, the you wouldn't be here. The respect, love, trust and honesty would have flowed both ways. If this was the case, then there wouldn't be issues in the bedroom or with porn. The fact that he can't be upfront with you, lies to you and blames you for his dishonesty should tell you all about your BF, regardless of him watching porn and your opinion of it. If he truly loved you and wanted to be with you, he would discuss ways to find middle ground with your relationship. He would negotiate with you to save your partnership and he would do this with the well being of children in mind because they come first and foremost. But firstly, you need to determine, if you can trust your BF ever again. If feel that betrayed that you can't forgive and negotiate with him and it disgusts you, then you know what to do. And if your BF is TRULY addicted to porn, as your post headline states, and he can't give it up, then it's his problem to sort..not yours.

Boyfriend addicted to porn

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If he is addicted to porn and its affecting your life together, by all means you are correct in reacting so. But if its not affecting your life together then you need to rethink certain aspects. Sex drive varies from person to person. For someone once a week would be too much and for someone else once a week would be too less. So it depends. Could be that his drive is far greater? And if thats the case and he is only watching porn....may be you should ignore it a bit. We women find it difficult and disgusting to watch porn..thats our natural nature. I suppose he understands that and hence wanted to avoid a confrontation with you and watched it on the sly? May be afraid of admitting the truth to you too? Not justifying that his lying is ok...its not. But if this is the only issue in which he lies you can mutually sort it out with proper discussion and understanding of each other's needs.

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