Expectations too high?

KEYNILLA - Mar 5 2014 at 05:02
My boyfriend us not really the sensitive type and he doesn't really do sweet things and express his emotions . I try not to day nothing because I don't want to change him to make me happy but some times I just feel certain things should be done. I feel like he should call me everyday no matter what even if it's just to say good night. If IM sick I feel like he should check on me or see if I need anything. If IM excited about something or IM really into something I think he should Atleast care and he does non of these things. Are my expectations too high or is he in the wrong? If he is how do I go about handling this situation?
This sounds like a lopsided relationship. Your expectations are not that unreasonable. He should want to be near you- talk to you and be concerned if you are not well. Sounds like your expectations are beyond this match. I would move on. Do not lower your expectations of what love could be to something less. He is the loser in this relationship.
Keynilla, I don't think your boyfriend loves you. These are basic things required in a relationship. Talk to him and see if he realizes if not best to move on before its late.
Here's what you do Keynilla,
Q1. Are you into this guy and is he worth a try? No = Finnish it and Forget him. Yes = Move to Q2.
Q2. Has he remained faithful to you and never betrayed you? No = Finnish it and Forget him. Yes = Move to Q3.
Q3. Does he make love to you often enough and does he satisfy you sexually? No = Finnish it and Forget him. Yes = Take my advice below or choose not to!
a)You need to open the channels of communication - TALK, relationships survive when couples communicate.
b) Perform Oral on him on a regular basis!
you asked how to handle the situation, a & b will see tangible results, should he still not meet your relationship expectations following a period of 3 months then he is just not good enough for you and you should Finnish it and Forget him!
Should you want more advice regarding this matter then friend request me
http://www.facebook.com/manup.don & PM me.
Thanks for the advice guys. But as if the last advice.. I never said if i talked to him once on the phone he had to call and "tuck me in" . Its days when he doesnt call at all and if your in a relationship why would you miss a day without talking to your girlfriend? And if my man is sick i would constantly check on him rather its through txt call or in person..id ask him if he needs anything and much more but if i feel like he should atleast ask me how if im feeling better im suffocated him and i should find a female friend??? I dont agree . I can understand him not emotions but im not some girl he met yesterday im his girlfriend