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Should I sleep with other couple?

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I've been with my boyfriend for over 10 years now. 2 years ago I found out he had cheated on me, having a 6 month affair with a girl he used to work with. This very nearly destroyed me, I took an overdose and started self-harming again, feeling worthless. We decided to stay together and try to work things out, and it's taken 2 years for me to get any confidence back and to a stage where we are friends again, but we have no sex life. I have tried to engage but he never returns my affections and I'm terrified of being rejected again so I back off. Recently I started talking to a really nice couple online, who want me to join them in bed. I'm bisexual and like both of them and my confidence has gone up loads just by being approached by them, as they made first contact with me based on my picture and profile. I don't want to cheat on my boyfriend, but also don't want my sexlife to end at 30. I don't think I can ever forgive him for what he did either, but don't want to dive into bed with someone as some petty revenge. I really don't know what to do and any advise would be of great help - thank you

Should I sleep with other couple?

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I wouldn't have given him a second chance. You deserve to be loved and cherished not cheated on. I think you should see a counsellor and the. Leave him! Nobody in this world is worth you harming yourself

Should I sleep with other couple?

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Don't do it, girl. Please don't.

Should I sleep with other couple?

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Specs, 10 years is a long time to be with a partner and a substantial period of your life. 2 years is also a long time to work things through only to find there's no intimacy. You are being rejected whether you realize it or not, when you're BF doesn't return your affection or your attempts to initiate it. He needs to realize that it takes two to repair a damaged relationship. If you don't think you can ever forgive your BF, then you're basically wasting your time being with him regardless of the fact that your sex life in non existent. You need to realize that your actions of going online with your profile and photo already set up sends you a signal that you're already half way there to being intimate with others. You need to discuss this with BF and if he doesn't have the need to be intimate with you and doesn't want to then you need to look for someone who will be and you will also need to make BF aware of this as well. Realistically, you are where you now because of your BF's actions. Forget about need to do what you have to do for you to increase your already bolstered self confidence (using anyway you can)...because at the end of the day, your BF is doing nothing to assist you to achieve this.

Should I sleep with other couple?

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Okay see the couple thing as a boost that is it walk away from them , they know you are vulnerable and are taking advantage. I think you need to get as fast away as you can from this man. Easier said than done I know, but he is not meeting your needs. You are in a negative relationship, you will not know yourself when you meet a guy who loves you and wants you. Leave his ass and give yourself the opportunity . It sounds like he has massive issues and you are better off out of it ...

Should I sleep with other couple?

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Hard as it might seem, this relationship is over. He is not accepting you, so why are you with him? Over the time it will start getting you low on confidence, the feeling of being constantly rejected will gnaw on you internally. Unconsciously you have also started looking out for options that were not originally acceptable to you. Move on....

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