Should I leave or keep pushing on?

HELP902 - Mar 5 2014 at 20:59
Okay so here's my issue! I've been dating my boyfriend for 7 months now. We met through a mutual friend. When we met it was love at first sight. I mean like crazy ridiculous love! I'm 32 he's 30. We both have children from previous relationships.he use to have drug problems but I helped him get clean and enroll in school full time.So here's the issue. His ex is CRAZY!!! I mean to the point that she calls me names curses me up and down. Yesterday she texted him calling me a "fucking pig" a whore and much much more . He didn't defend me..... Which really upsets me because he NEVER DOES! She wants to get him messed up on drugs again because she can't stand to see him doing great for himself. She drugged him before and he overdosed .... She is dangerous. I know they have kids together but I really don't like him going to her house. He loves his kids and so do I ! She use to let them come here every other weekend but she has now stopped because she thinks he Gould be staying at her house.... I feel like just throwing everything away that I have put into this relationship because I can't do this anymore!!! She makes up excuses for him to go to her house daily. I can not do this!!!!! Please help me and tell me what I should do. He tells me daily how much he loves me and that he needs me in his life but I really don't believe it anymore :-(
If he loves you, he will stay with you. Please be strong and believe that.
Help, don't waste your time trying to right a wrong which has no place in your relationship with this guy.
His ex hasn't let him go and he is still dependent on her, his actions are talking when he goes there, regardless of her excuses to get him there.
He may state that he needs you in his life but he needs her more, otherwise he would be with you 100%.
And I'm sorry, if he doesn't defend you after his ex abuses you, then there's your's that simple.
By the sound of it, they deserve each other. You, on the other hand, need someone who respects you the way you deserve to be respected.
If you achieve this, then you will be happy and most importantly, your children need you to be happy.
I am sorry that you had to endure that experience . you sound like a great person to have helped changed his life .
Speaking for experience though if he and this girl were using drugs together , it was a co -dependent relationship and still is. Addiction and kids it is a complicated affair.
I would not get mixed up in it , you deserve better than that. He should have defended you and had the balls to tell her where to go, she may have some hold over him and she is enjoying destroying his moving on.
You are better than that girl....