I cheated on my boyfriend...
HOPELESSLYINLOVE - Mar 6 2014 at 06:42
I feel like the most horrible person on the planet right now...I'm currently dating the man of my dreams. He's sweet, intelligent, and I'm absolutely, head-over-heels in love with him. We were together for six months (seems like a short time, probably, but I can honestly say that I've fallen madly in love with this man) before I left the country to work abroad. So, we're currently doing the long-distance relationship thing. It's really hard to keep in touch with him (there's a fourteen hour time difference between us), and whenever I message him he's either busy at work or asleep and vice versa. When I was back in the States we were in constant contact throughout the entire day and now we barely exchange a few messages a day, if that. I was feeling lonely and forgotten. So, I started talking to guys on a gay smartphone app called Jack'd. I was only looking for friends. Long story short, I met one of the guys in person and we ended up having sex. I feel dirty and empty on the inside. All I can think about is the betrayal I've committed. I know I need to tell my boyfriend. I just don't know how or when to do it. I'm so scared of how he's going to react, but he has a right to know. I'm afraid of losing him because he's seriously the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life. I know I'm stupid, and I know I made a colossal mistake. What should I do?
LDR's do work, but it's usually when the couple have been 'together' for yonks and even then, some still stumble.
It's a hard road and if your relationship is young, then you're doing it tough mainly because of your communication breakdown because of time differences...but it doesn't let you off the hook.
Tell your BF asap face to face (Skype?) and take the rap because if your relationship was meant to be (I doubt it) then it will survive this.
In the meantime, have a look in the mirror and ask yourself who you are and what/who you really want and need in your life because you can damage yourself as well as others by doing what you have done and you need to find the reason by looking hard into your inner self.
This will help you explain and understand your actions more clearly to yourself as well as to your BF. Your recent actions concerning this post should tell you that your relationship is not THAT important but by betraying him you are betraying yourself as well.
Forget about being stupid...we all learn from our mistakes but we need to discover why we made them in the first place.
Speak your sins, and pray to be forgiven.
See unconsciously you have started looking out for workable options....the LDR was not working for you (reasons of course is the distance and time difference). You are probably falling out of love too. Coz if you were in love you would have told your boyfriend about joining the app, about fixing a meeting with this other guy etc. The distance or time difference is not an excuse for dropping a message or mail before the meeting isn't it? So it points to the fact that you are looking for more workable options.
Don't tell your boyfriend anything.
What he doesn't know won't hurt him.
If he has a shred of self respect he will end it. If you love him you don't want this to happen so never let him find out, forget this incident forever.
Do have a full STD and pregnancy test done regardless of wether you practiced safe sex or not.
The only think you can take from this is how empty it made you feel.
It's wrong, you know it's wrong so never do it again.
Have the decency to end a relationship rather than betray a persons trust and cheat.
Anyhow, make more effort to keep in touch with your boyfriend from now on, email, facebook, text, call, skype the list of modern contact methods goes on and on. Finally, plan on him visiting you and vise versa.
If you'd like further advice PM me on