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Friends with benefits problem

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So let me start off saying that i am 20. I work with this woman who is alot older. She is 37 but I find her very attractive. This woman was seeing a man who has a wife and children. She asked me what I thought and i said she should stop it and we got talking and started sending dirty text messages to eachother. One thing led to another and she said she stop sleeping with him and we started sleeping together. But this man kept sending her text messages saying he would leave his wife for her but he kept calling her fat/whore and a pill junkie. I have driven her home from work alot and sometimes he would show up and get in my face and once he even punched my car window a couple times. and then one day i woke up and someone egged my car..then when i slept over at her place i woke up and one of my car tires was had 7..yes 7 holes spread along the whole tire!! After that she didnt hear from him for 2 he is talking to her and wants to see her... I dont know what to do..I like sleeping with her but i cant get over the fact that she is talking to him again and driving her home from work when i dont...i feel insulted..he always drove her home because she does not have a car and i hate the thought that they might be sleeping together again without telling me..but i do care for her and like sleeping with her..i dont know what to do..should i brake it off or just keep sleeping with her.. nothing more can happen because of the age difference..should i just keep sleeping with her and forget about him or just end things?thanks.

Friends with benefits problem

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Kingduck, walk away now. She's a user and she's used you pretty well. The fact that she sees a married man speaks volumes. Ask yourself if she's worth a damaged car because that's what she's costing you as well as your emotional well being. And young bro, she IS sleeping with him again whether you like it or not. You alone will never stop it. Get away now and find yourself someone who respects you as well as themselves.

Friends with benefits problem

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Hi firstly I would advise you to end it. find another job soon. This is not a good situation at all. You are too young for her period. You should be with someone 20 like you, who is not mixed up with violent men. This woman has serious issues.... I mean psychiatric issues, you will get lost in it all and your life will be ruined. Please find someone not her, to tell this too, you need out of job and relations with her. You are 20 you can get sex anywhere.. it is not worth it. Both of these individuals have psychiatric problems, to say the very very least.

Friends with benefits problem

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My thoughts exactly guys just wanted some reassurance. I think i am better than this situation and I dont need that drama in my life. I feel lighter now that i have made a decision. "Life moves on"

Friends with benefits problem

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Good you can get any woman you want and be happy and not treated like this.... and more mature than this she is acting like a two year old it is twisted and disgusting , think of the STD's, how does it look on you to the next girl if that looney of a woman butts in?? Which she will she is controlling very damaged, does she have substance abuse issues? Regardless she needs to see a psychiatrist. Get as far away as possible, just break away and get a different job , you cannot work there after this and lesson learned, never date a work colleague, and age is inappropriate to say the very least. I wish you luck and learn from this..... sex with someone stable and on your level, and sane enjoy your youth not let this women rob it from you....

Friends with benefits problem

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After reading what you wrote and reading what everyone else wrote. I can't add anything more. Her age doesn't really make a difference seeing how she's acting like she's younger than you, anyways. She's getting the best of multiple worlds and if she has someone who's going the distance by slashing tires and other sorts of property damage, you have to think to yourself, "Is this what I deserve?" Someone else here has already mentioned STD's which is reason enough to want to leave. Weigh your own personal values. If you'd rather be in a monogamous relationship (which is normal for higher level intelligence due to the potential consequences) then I'd say start cutting some ties and forming some new ones, pronto.

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