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No sex life with bf

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My bf acts like he cares about me, wants to talk and be around me but never wants to have sex with me. We are only going ona year but live together. I've asked him, begged him, cried and everything in between. I'm numb and left feeling unwanted and unimportant. Help

No sex life with bf

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hey.. sex is not the only expression of love.. Discuss things.. ask him .. he might have his own views or problem..

No sex life with bf

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While sex is not the only thing in a relationship- it is an important one. In my own, unprofessional judgment I'd say that if you two have agreed to be together and co-reside and have never attempted sex- there may be an underlying issue (just a roommate?). If you've had sex before and it's come to a halt, there is also an underlying issue. I won't list all of them here- because you know them for yourself but at the very least it's time you started having a conversation with him. Sex is not a bad thing. It is something every adult man and woman should become completely comfortable with over time. Good sex, not just 'feels good' sex (in my opinion) requires responsibility, comfort (as in situation) and internal/external goals (pleasing to self, pleasing to partner) in order to be a consistently positive experience. Sex makes us feel good about our partner and about ourselves and is equally capable of harming a relationship- especially if faithfulness is not a priority on either side. I hope you have a talk and heck, I hope that talk leads to some productivity in that area. You deserve to cohabitate with a partner you're completely comfortable with. I hope you'll be on the same page after that talk as well.

No sex life with bf

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you definitely need to have a deep conversation with him to find out what the route cause is of his low sex drive. He may have insecurities of some sort

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