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I dunno what to do

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Hi, im 38 and my partners 27 , i have 4 kids from my former marriage . Me and my partner have sorta come to a sticky point in our relationship and i dont know what to do , i get angry with him for no real reason and we often argue , We havent had a intimate relationship for nearly 3 yrs now and im feeling very het up about it , very rejected and unloved , he wont touch me sexually or shows no sign of any interest in it with me , he has never cheated and im 100% sure he isnt seeing anyone else , he wont talk about it with me he seems to find excuses not to or says later and its never mentioned again. I really dont know what to i so miss that part of our lives . I just want to feel loved and needed and some affection . Please any advice would be grateful .

I dunno what to do

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Hi i was in a marriage for 14 years , and i think it ended becouse we didnt talk about the way we felt. just sit him dont and tell him how you feel .it might work , if it does nt when you should think of moving on . All the best

I dunno what to do

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hi sam, i agree sit him down and talk to him,have you tried to make the first move on him would he reject you then if you went out for a lovely meal and a club and then home for a ramantic night, also 4 kids to look after is hard does he help you and give you a break is he jealous of the kids in some way maybe he feels you give them all your time and theres none for him men are like that they need to feel that they are the most important ones when of course they are not when youve got kids to look after it is hard and you get worn out and maybe forget that your important to and you need some pampering from time to time,talk to him.good luck.

I dunno what to do

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Im 44 and my boyfriend of 17 months is 29 and slowly our sex life has gone downhill.. It seems he would rather play computer games than make love to me.. I also know he masturbates so what does that say about me? he says he loves me and still fancies me but I dont know.

I dunno what to do

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Hi Pink , yep my is the exact same situation as yours , but i have given up even trying now or wondering why , im tired and had enough , my parnter sit about on hes computor all day everyday never helps me with nothing, i look after all the kids and basically im a slave (well thats how i feel) . If we broke up i honestly dont think i would care to much anymore , i feel single anyway all i would be losing is the company .

I dunno what to do

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you got 4 kids and you've been dating some dud kid for the last 3 years with no fucking involved? that is pathetic. obviously he has no sexual interest and/or is with someone else doing fucking. why would you want to be with such a putz, unless of course you are as immature or more immature than he is? get real, lady.

I dunno what to do

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you got 4 kids and you've been dating some dud kid for the last 3 years with no fucking involved? that is pathetic. obviously he has no sexual interest and/or is with someone else doing fucking. why would you want to be with such a putz, unless of course you are as immature or more immature than he is? get real, lady.

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