Can I get her back???

CJLOPEZ - Mar 15 2014 at 05:03
Hey guys I need some honest opinions on this one. I recently lost a girl I was dating for about 2 months to another guy. We met at work and really spent a lot of time together in and out of work. In this time we were spending together in the beginning Im sure she wasn't really seeing much of the other guy at all, even though she met him just before me. The problem is she wanted to come over to my place numerous times so we could be together, but I had family temporarily staying with me, and had to keep telling her they will be gone soon then she can come over. Well in the mist of this I guess she started seeing the other guy more, and he was able to be there for her sexually. So she ended up telling me we can't sleep together because she is now seeing someone else, but is not in a official relationship with him. Mind you way back in the beginning she said she was not seeing anyone else, so yeah not completely honest but hey she's 23. But anyway she said she figured it would had been us that got together, and that she still likes me a lot and wants to stay friends. I told her my feelings for her have not changed, and if the opportunity presents itself again for us I will be open to it. She said she understands that and that we will just have to see what happens. Sooo, do you guys think I really have a chance at getting her back?
Why bother CJ,. is she worth having back?
You had good reasons as to why she couldn't go to your place but she turned her back on you to be with the other guy more. So you're worrying about a woman who was actually seeing someone else sexually the same time she was with you.
And if she's not honest by the age of 23, she never will be.
Wow I never considered that. Definitely puts doubt in my mind about trying anything with her in the future now. But I do understand there is but so many times you can make someone wait to have sex. Yes she was seeing someone else while she was with me but we were never committed to each other. And I disagree about her age thing because I remember when I was 23 and I was just as bad if not worse. I'm completely different now. While I thank you for your great advice, I think I'm still leaning towards possibly getting with her again if I have the chance. Because if I do get the chance, I don't want to go through life wondering what it could have turned into with her.
And she wasn't seeing some sexually while we were hanging out because we never had sex. She tried giving it to me so many times, things just got in the way. Do you know what it is to get a woman all hot and bothered while they are on their period? You do that and then you don't seal the deal, definitely not a good idea. I just look at it like this, it was the right place wrong time for us.
I disagree with you CJ, if a woman couldn't wait for you for few days how do you think she will wait for you when times get tough in Life? She will always choose the easier way out.
If she had felt something for you she would have atleast tried waiting for you. A few days is no big deal for a woman! And was she interested only in sex? Not love?
It wasn't a few days, try more like 2 months.
Ok, I'd still say find a woman who attaches more importance to emotional bonding.
Anyway as far as your question to getting her back, there is chance but only time will present that to you. Continue being a great friend to her. All the best.
Thanks for your response I appreciate it.
Be her friend...... get sex somewhere else....