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I'm lost and need help

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My girlfriend and i have broken up. It's been over a year now and i cannot move on. We still hang out and talk a lot on the phone. Whenever she has problems she calls me. However i keep wanting to make up. She says she has all the feelings like before but remembers the bad stuff that happened(we argued a lot) and the decision is difficult to make. She can't give me a yes or no answer or nothing to work with like hopes for the future or anything. Every time i want to make up she argues with me and i feel like crap because i can't see myself with anyone else. I tried showing her how much i changed and i try to be the best and most supportive friend. I try to show her i can be a good boyfriend again. I tried everything and honestly have changed but she doesn't listen. I want to move on sometimes but i keep thinking that if i do i don't have a shot with her again. I am lost. Am i wasting my time waiting for her? Is she leading me on by not giving me a straight yes or no answer? Please help me. This is affecting me emotionally and mentally.

I'm lost and need help

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Stick with it. Take her out to a posh restaurant, buy her things, she'll soon come to want to be with you!

I'm lost and need help

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SMLOVER i do carry her out and buy her everything she wants once i can afford it. SUSIEDQ we both argued a lot. She argued most of the time. I argued a lot less but much more intense. I think that is all that bothered her. She hasn't mentioned anything else to me even when i asked. I honestly have worked on it and unfortunately after the breakup i learnt lessons and learnt to be a better person. She is indecisive...she wants to make up but remembers the bad times. When things were good, they were really the best but when bad they were really bad. All of our problems were miscommunication leading to arguments. No physical fighting, cheating etc

I'm lost and need help

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You're basically wasting your time if you're STILL arguing about trying to make up. Arguing is conflict. If you have conflict when you're trying to repair a relationship which came apart because of conflict, then it's best to walk away and just remain friends if it's possible. If you can't move on from her and remain friends, then you're going to have to walk away completely without any contact. As hard as it sounds, if you're a reformed man, then you need to find someone else who will love and respect that reformed man. When you admit the issue is affecting you emotionally and mentally then it's time to find some positivity in your life. The constant arguing which is still going on with her is just total negativity and I'm sorry, but if you insist on trying to get back with her, then you will keep on finding yourself back where you are now.

I'm lost and need help

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I agree.... let it go.... so what you argued..... so STOP move on to someone else ..... where is your self esteem apologizing for a year...... Stay mates ..... slowly cut the phone calls down, she is depending on your advice and she likes the comfort of you caring for her ...... but you are not being honest with yourself.... you have an alterior motive and she puts up the wall here.... no matter what you do she will not let it down with you... she will when she is ready but that does not mean it is with you it will happen.... that all your 'work' will pay off.... If you are thinking l like that .....WAKE UP..... I think you have invested way too much time here, nothing can stop you both remaining friends. Move on and be open to someone new.... life is too short ..... it is done with you and this girl,,, move forward.... Your self worth is been ate into and that is your responsibility ..... wean her and you off the phone calls....

I'm lost and need help

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Thanks a lot guys. Really appreciated the advice. Some of them are hard to do but i see where you are coming from and it makes sense and i am going to follow through. I really needed the reality check. Thanks again.

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