A sex issue with my boyfriend

ODDWOMANOUT - Mar 17 2014 at 09:40
Ive been with my boyfriend for over a year now. Before we were in a relationship we would have sex quite a bit. Then it started to taper off before te relationship started. The first couple of in the beginning were amazing. He was passionate and aggressive but then he started turning me down and gave excuses like he was too busy or tired/stressed. I had an outfit picked out and ready to go once and he got angry with me, said all I thought about was sex abd that I was a whore. He has told me nothing gets him aroused, is a turn on, that it just happens. Sometimes he has sex with me in his sleep and really has no memory of the act. We have sex only when he feels like it which is once every 4 to 8 days. I found out he cheated on me with his ex and got her pregnant. But he says no one turns him on. Am I being lied to? what should I do? I forgave him because he said its the biggest mistake of his life and doesnt want to lose me. Ive had 2 kids already and have scars and stretchmarks from them. I lost a lot of weight so I lost a lot of breast mass as well. I went from a large b to an a-cup. I dont feel sexy to him. I feel like the teenage version of my body wouldve been a better match for him. Oh and he's only 25 yrs old while im 30 yrs old so I feel like im 50 in his eyes. im always wanting to touch him and be close to him. Im always looking at him when hes not looking at me. I notice everything about him I tried changing my appearance some to what he likes and it does nothing for him. I tried buying a matching bra and panty set in a color he liked and I barely got a verbal response out of him. Is it just that im too old and wrinkled, too sexually active for him???? Any help would be appreciated
It shouldn't matter what you look like young lady...if he really loved you, he wouldn't care.
You're being lied to because how can you trust a man who has cheated on you?
Give up with this guy and find someone who respects you and treats you the way you deserve to be. Find the man who accepts you just the way you are.
You need to stop this negative self talk and put downs on yourself . I know where you are at. Many many women go through that finding fault, and attributing his withdrawal to that part of you. Attraction has so much more than the physical.
You are a young one!!! Embrace that do all those nice things for you girl not for him. Look after yourself 100 % not for sex but for you minding yourself and allowing your confidence build and your relationship to your body be a healthier one.
Now that is attractive!!!!
You are asking him to give you something that is not his job it is yours. Stop analyzing oneself, it leads to a horrible place so do not self destruct anymore.
I think you are still very hurt over his cheating, naturally this will destroy your self worth if you stay. I can hear it in your words that it is eating away at you.
This relationship is at its end...... if you stay it will not get better it will either stay where it is at or get worse.
I hear your anger, and you have turned it back into yourself.... punishing yourself, this is not good.
Leave him behind you are wasting your youthful years hear.
Set these task and do them everyday.
1. Every morning look in the mirror and say to yourself....... 'i am of value and worthy of love'
as many times as you can, you may feel a little odd at first but it does work.
2. Enjoy your food, eat healthily and savor every bite.
3. Tune into you, get a diary and write down your thoughts,and tear it up burn it.... get it out of you it is not doing you any good.
4. Treat yourself to a massage, facial, every once and a while, love who you are.
5. Exercise but get the heart rate up 30 mins daily great for anger, and negative thoughts.
6. Celebrate your womanhood, and never let anyone put you down , and the biggest critic here is YOU. Be kinder to yourself.
You may read this and think what a crock of shit, but it does work , you may feel hurt , anger, stupid silly even, thing doing the mirror but then will come the joy.
You are a person of value, never forget that and when you meet the next man, he will be nothing like this current guy .
Let go of him, and most importantly let go of the negative self concept that is connected to the hurt in this relationship.
I wish you well....
If any guy called me a whore I'd boot him out.... vile human being.
I think you may e more suited to a Man closer to your age he is a RAT.
I agree with all the above posts. How can he dare call you a whore?? And how can you just take it as your negative? Move on...he is not meant for you. If nothing gets him aroused there is something wrong with him.