Sex probs... help guys!

NIKKI91 - Mar 18 2014 at 15:15
I am really wanting a guys opinion. I've been dating a guy for four months. We haven't had any sexual contact. I'm a virgin but he doesn't know that yet. It's not like I go around telling everyone. The people that know can't believe I'm a virgin. I feel like it's not really something I should tell him yet? I've had two prior relationships but in the first was pretty young and in the second wasn't in love. I feel like you need to love for sex to be meaningful. I'm 22 now btw. I really love this guy. We really love each other.. A lot. We haven't really had a sex talk yet. I feel like my last relationship ended because the guy got tired of me not having sex. I fear this one will end the same way. I think I am almost ready for sex but don't want to do something I'll regret. Also I'm afraid my first time I will be awkward. I have two questions. What do guys think of virgins... Will it freak him out when I tell him? And 2.. Guys, how long would you wait for a girl that you REALLY loved? Would time even be an issue?! Help. Please be honest And serious
im a guy and id say try dropping the subject in when u have a conversation that feels right for it. a guys reaction to a virgin should be good, especially if he truly loves u, and im in a situation where im waiting for the person i love to want to aswell and i would wait as long as it takes, afterall if he truly loves u he would want u to feel comfortable, it might be a bit nervous for u and he should respect that and try and calm and reassure u before during and after hope this helps
Thank you MARKLYNX. Yes, you did help. I hope he has the same opinion on the matter as you do. Good for you for waiting on the one you love. If only there were more like you out there. Thanks again! Best of luck.
glad to help, maybe u could have a look at the problem ive posted, never know it might help me
thankyou nikki, i was thinking something along those lines just wasnt sure weather i was over thinking it, glad we could help eachother, good luck with the future
If you think your ready you should try and bring it up that your ready to move your relationship to the next level. But if your not ready if he loves you he will wait. You say you been together for 4 months and there being no talk of sex yet then your boyfriend probably would wait till your ready he doesn't sound like that's all he's looking is to have sex with you. Most men don't care if the girl is Virgin especially if he loves you. And if your really worried then don't tell him till afterwards. If you are ready then go out have a few drinks have something eat. Go to a club maybe then go back to yours or his. Also It probably will be awkward at first but it's the same for everyone and it will only get better
If he respects you he will not care if you are a virgin and how long you want to wait.....
have the talk with him.....
good luck!!!!