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Boyfriend had sex with another man..

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I'm a 20 year old girl. Ok so my boyfriend of 2 years comes home from work one night and starts sobbing saying he's a horrible person. I ask him why he doesn't tell me anything. This went on for about a week until I snapped and screamed at him to tell me what was wrong. He finally told me the truth. One night he was downloading music and he downloaded a virus onto his computer. The virus contained child pornography. After he had seen that he said he felt he needed to punish himself. He said the only way to do this was to go on a dating website and claim to be a gay man looking for sex. He met up with another man and let him have sex with him.. I think he needs serious help but I don't know wether to stick by him or ditch him.. We are now a Month on from this and he keeps saying he's glad I understand but I don't and I can't stop thinking about it. I Feel so betrayed :(

Boyfriend had sex with another man..

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Your Bf has some serious problems but they're his to sort. It's up to you whether you stay or go. If you're feeling betrayed then you might have to walk away. If you love him enough, you wouldn't be here asking questions, you'd just be doing what you have to do to assist him.

Boyfriend had sex with another man..

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Be careful, all that virus stuff and punishment might be stories. If you are with him be alert. He could be bisexual or Gay.

Boyfriend had sex with another man..

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Boyfriend had sex with another man..

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Lol! Poor guy! Let him know that it wasn't his fault and he has no reason to feel guilty about it. Clear the virus, make sure the gay guy doesn't have his phone number, and let him know you're there for him. Honestly if my bf told me he slept with a gay dude as punishment for a virus that he had nothing to do with I might giggle a little bit. Good luck princess :)

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