I don't know what to do...

DEIMANTE94 - Mar 25 2014 at 09:35
So basically, I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now and recently something happened.. We been fighting time to time like all the couples do, but I got tired of him having his principles so high that sometimes when I am upset, start crying (not saying that it happens often, i am a pretty happy girl, and i dont let my emotions out that often), but when it happens, it seems like he don't care.. He just starts doing something else, or just say ''there's no point of crying now, why are you crying and etc.'' Then I start crying more because of his careless emotions. Also, when we have a fight over a phone, he can wait till the last minute till I will text him first and start the converstation again. He don't know how to apologize.. That ''ignoring'' is happening for the 5th day now. I told him that i got tired of his principles, having his pride so high, that he doesnt even care of my feelings. Then he started ignoring me. I am sure he is waiting for me to text him first now, but why should I do that? Why, always I have to step the first step and apologize him? Its not fair.. He should learn how to do that too.. I just don't know anymore, if I should stay with him in this relationship, wait for him to text/call me, or move on... Yes, I do love him so much, but its just killing me seeing him how careless he can be... Somebody please tell, how to make a good decision, and what to say to him or what to do... Thanks a lot!
you make him feel all sorts when you cry..... guilt, blame, and sad, uncomfortable. Most people are uncomfortable in that situation. Especially as you cry harder and now it is his fault that he did not react in the way that you wanted him too... which is?
You are looking for something from him..... ask yourself what is it? Is is something you can already give yourself? I think you are vulnerable here in this relationship, exposed is a good word. Protect yourself!!!! and give yourself some space for you. That is what is wrong here. Sometimes in a intense relationship you loose oneself and identity and nearly to the point that the other is holding you up. That needs adjusting, always hold yourself up...... we lean sometimes on others but we cannot all the time . He sounds like he is times out. This is sucking all the good out of this relationship. These are YOUR feelings and you are responsible for them not HIM.
You are very critical of him, and I am sensing he feels judged and attacked. He does not have a clue what do to. It is not that he does not care.... he just does not speak the language. I think you are hard on yourself for crying and it escalates into this self punishment, all to tell YOURSELF I am not lovable. I think you need to be kinder to yourself, relationships can be hard, and you can be heightened in it.
I am also hearing anxiety and anger, and stubbornness and determined to be right. Both of you are avoiding the real issue.
You both need to balance up again. What have you learned from this? Evaluate this what caused the arguments in the first place? Are you spending too much time together? have you developed a unhealthy dependency to each other , that it has now turned chaotic?
Love needs space and time to breathe. I see the arguing as a sign that this relationship needs renewal. Advice do some thinking, and spend a little time on you own. Go out with friends do fun stuff, do not talk to you fella until you have really laughed and had fun. Treat yourself to something nice. You need to allow him to do the same, over time when things have calmed down then talk. Other wise it ends up in the same cycle again.
See this as an opportunity to learn about you, not him that is his business to do, you just focus on you.
First thing to do is turn off the phone, plan something fun,put some space between you both. You asked for someone to tell you to make a good decision. This is one, and it will lead to another one. Break the negative cycle it must be exhausting on both of you. This affection you crave and acceptance from him, is not what a relationship should be like. You are pulling him down somewhere so you can see his emotions, like that is a reassurance to you of his love.
Now think about that. That thinking is kind of controlling. Sometimes we cannot see until we step back. Now you have got to stop this immediately it will never ever turn into something good. Try and see him for him. Get some girl mates to express the feminine side with let it all out with them , or alone. Writing everything out. I promise you in a couple of days you will be relived that he does not know some things about you. Stop exposing yourself to much to him and expecting him to fix it.
Your boyfriend doesn't know to handle emotions. Many guys are like that. When a girl cries they just don't know whats to be done to get it to stop. They just want you to stop crying. So all those dialogues you mentioned are pretty much common. It does not mean he doesn't care for you. Now to handle this there are only 2 ways.
1. Just put up with it. (But this will get more and more irritating over the years. You will constantly feel he doesn't care.)
2. Guide him when you both are in a good mood. Tell him, when you are upset he can give you a hug and try to console you and you would instantly feel better. (Soon he will learn how to go about it well).
As for your second point Ego. This person is highly egoistic. You love him so much that you are willing to put aside your ego and apologize for him and your relation. The same doesn't go with him. For him his ego is higher than his love for you. If you need to change that, you will have to work more on your relationship. You will have to increase his love for you. For that you have to increase your understanding with him. Like you say there is constant conflict. This means somewhere there is lack of understanding in your relationship. You both need to understand each other more and accept each other more for who you both are. What are his high principles thats getting in the way of your relationship?
I definitely understand how u feel as in my relationship ive felt how u do. but guys tend to be emotionless especially in comparison to us females just because he doesn't show it doesn't mean it isn't there. I think you should wait for him to text or call you first it seems he is used to you making the first move so take a timeout and let him doing the running let him know if things don't change your ending things
You are dating someone that is, like I like to say..emotionally unavailable. You deserve better than this. He seems to not care when you are upset or hurting. This is not the kind of person you want to be with. Can you imagine being married to him? When you marry someone, little quirks like that get 10x worse. With that being said, I know breaking up isn't as easy as it sounds. I myself am dealing with a similar situation. I need to probably let go of my current relationship but I keep holding out hope that we can work it out. My advice to you is to talk to him and let him know how he's making you feel. Give him a couple weeks. If he cares about you, he'll step up his game. If he doesn't, sorry..but he's not worth your time.