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Relationship break up after 4 years and a son together

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me and my now ex were together for 4 years. we have a one year old son together and for most of the relationship were happy. This past year we lived together but were going through minor issues. For a few months we were very distant on/off communicating we couldn't last a month without arguing/not talking. He move out a few months but after a week I convinced him to give us another go so he agreed to stay at mines a few days a week. we argued again and he said no more chances. The thing is we don't argue he just doesn't like my flaws, the little things that are big to him. its gotten to a point where he said we cant be together all this has made his feelings towards me change. Ive tried everything to get him back but nothing has worked. Its been just over a month of me trying. I really really love him he meant the world to me I don't have much friends nor family who understand me like he did. I don't know what to do. I feel what we have is worth fighting for but it seems he cant go back and start again with me. what do I do?....

Relationship break up after 4 years and a son together

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I am sorry it sounds like a really stressful time for you. I t seems like you depended on him quiet a bit for some time . I would focus on your son and but everything into him. Join a mother and baby group and try and make some new friends you may find other in similar situations. You need to make you circle of people bigger now. You will get over him....

Relationship break up after 4 years and a son together

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yeah I need to focus on me which I am. I do want him back in my life though also

Relationship break up after 4 years and a son together

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because I want to

Relationship break up after 4 years and a son together

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I know how you feel I'm going through a similar situation right now. :( He wont even answer my phone calls sometimes. There really is nothing you can do but try to move and be there for your son. It sucks I know. But do you really want to waste your time and energy on someone who doesn't want you?

Relationship break up after 4 years and a son together

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What are those little things that are big to him like? If he has completely broken up with you, it will be difficult to get him back. Does he call up and ask about his son? The only thing you can do is stop requesting him to come back. Try to make the changes he wants to see in you and wait for suitable time to suggest to get back together. That path will not be easy though. If you decide to move on, take your focus off him and concentrate on your son. make new friends, new hobbies....keep yourself busy and happy.

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