Why would a guy still talk to his ex daily and buy her presents and want to hang

RAINIE23 - Mar 26 2014 at 07:34
He will text or stop by daily
He says he doesn't have any romantic feelings but gets very emotional and cries when I try to say maybe we shouldn't be friends
He fights to stay in my life
He bought me a ticket to a show that I couldn't afford to go to. Spent, literally, his last dime doing so and came over and surprised me with it.
He is there for me no matter what I need and will go out of his way and cancel plans if I'm going through something and need to talk.
He tells me he misses me when we don't talk
We dated for 8 months and he said I was "the best girlfriend he's ever had"
We got along amazingly and always had so much fun together. We broke up because he said he was messed up and not over a break up he had with an ex 4 years ago and also said (out of anger) that he wasn't attracted to me but always used to call me pretty and sexy and our sex life was always good.
why would someone who doesn't have any romantic feelings go so out of their way for a girl? His actions are very different than what his words imply. Please help.
Girl! He doesn't really love u then. Cause a man who is a cheater will always cheats . Even if ya got back. Togather she will remain in his mind with u he will always think about he's ex. Best for u is to move on.. u may deserve better!! Or he may just wanna use u?? We ladies would never understand a guys heart or emotion inside.. being in love with someone so heartless can be hard. Its ur choice to make. Hurting other can hurt u back .. good luck
He never cheated, though and never has in any relationship he's been in...?
Let me clarify, I am the ex he is still buying presents for and talking to daily. I don't think I made that clear.
Rainie, I feel he loves you...only thing he is not clear about it himself. He is probably confused as to whom he loves. But his actions say it is you.
You would probably have to get him to realize whom he wants to be with. Try getting friends with some other guys and see how he reacts. If he acts uncomfortable, you can be sure he has feelings for you.
Hmm I would say be a bit careful. He sounds a bit odd,might might not be, if he really gets emotional and you guys fight when you try to push him away he might be a bit unstable. And if his previous relationship ended bad and left him so messed up that he broke up with you "best girlfriend" ever I'd say be causious. It might effect or even prevent your relationships in the future. Now I could be completely wrong and he might be working his feelings out. How do you feel about him would you want to get back together with him?
All I can say is he does like you. I say he fits into the category of the guy who can be alone. Has to always be distracted by a girl or in a relationship.
Probably running from something.... anyways I would be careful just because you may get hurt here. Enjoy the gifts and the sex I would but do not get too dependent on him as is has proven to be unreliable.
I do want to be with him but only if he has everything sorted. I have wondered if he is Bi-polar myself, and besides the good sex we had an amazing relationship. We rarely fought but when I got mad at him he would shut down. Before he dated me he didn't have an actual relationship since the "ex" 4 years ago so I'm not sure he would fall into the "can't be alone category" He dated girls but was never in anything serious.
I think he still has obvious feelings for you but might be scared and running from them. You need to figure out if you even want to deal with someone like that.
Was he flakey in the relationship?