Advice on break ups

R100PER - Sep 17 2008 at 20:05
I am new to this site so i dont know what to expect but i was wondering if anybody has any advice for me.
The reason for me being on here is that i have just had a really long term girl friend break up with me. We were together for 5 1/2 years, we got together when i was 17 she was 16. We went to university together where we did have soem problems, but we came out the other side and were the best we had ever been. She inherited a lot of money from her godfather and decided to go on a gap year, 9 months all around the world, something she as always wanted to do. Anyway when she left she didnt want to go cos she was going to miss me, i mean we really were both in love. she left and we spoke on the phone every week texted and facebooked each other all the time, 5 months in i went out to thailand to visit her, i had the most amazin time and i was sure that it was the same for her havin me back (i was wrong) i left thiland and she only had 3 months left, not long now she kept sayin.
Anyway 2 weeks before see is due to get back, she rings up and breaks up with me she says that she just wanted to be alone cos she has love travelin so much and want to be able to continue her life the way she want to. and there was nothing i could do about it.
Since she has been back she has completly changed her life, she very rearly see any of her friends stays completly away from her life pre traveling.
And then it turns out that she has moved to south ******* hampton and moving in with a much older guy that she met in the last 2 months of her travels. i mean what an insult to keep your 5 1/2 year long boyfriend waiting for her whilst she had the time of her life for nearly a year and then to do this. and all she says is that it is what she wants, no care for what she asked of me.
I have been an emotional wreak, its 5 months down the line now and im going to councilors, am on anti depressents cant sleep, eat, or concentrate on anything but her.
What do i do, she says there is no way she will ever love me again, nor would she ever want to get back together. I dont know how to stop loving her, i had soo much trust in her, i could not have trusted her more, i was never worried about her meetin anybody or anything.
Bottom line if you are in a realtionship and you are both in love do not let them go away from you cos they wont come back.
Sorry for such a long post, but if anyone has any advice or points they want to say they would be greatly appreciated.
All I would say is that travelling changes a lot of people, and sometimes they have serious problems themselves because of the huge lifechanging experience this can be. If she has made her mind up, and it doesn't look she will change her mind, then you are going to have to move on and acknowledge that she is not the same person she was when she left you.
I'm really sorry to hear you are in such a mess, and having to take medication. Good luck friend...
hi, i agree this trip has opened her eyes to a whole new world she has changed and seems like she wants to move on with her life and unfortunately for you it doesnt include you ,it will be hard for you but you must let her go and try and move on you got together young and sometimes it will last and sometimes not if you were together it seems she would be travelling and meeting new people all the time and thats where she seems happiest ,councellers will help you not sure about the anti depressents tho, do you go out and meet people with your mates etc even getting out and about will help .
I am sorry to hear of the tough time your going through, I cant imagine how it must feel. I have gone through a break up recently and it's killing me and I was the the one who made the decision, I had come back off holiday and become a different person to my boyfriend, I suppose I thought i'd write to you so maybe you can get some closure on how and what she might have been thinking at the time.
You two were together for a long time as my relationship, I suppose you were planning on moving into together ect a s well on her return. The thing is about tough love it that it'll make you a stronger person once you have overcome this. It sound's like she has found her self whilst being away and has come to the age where she has now moved onto different interests, which is hurtful to the person that loves them but unfortunatly sometimes people change and they cannot help their feelings even if they wanted things to go bk to the safe and secure loving relationship they once had, this will never happen if they have had a life changing experience and there feelings have now moved away. I can imagine you were a loyal and caring partner and that she is so greatful for all the years of love you gave her and visa versa and the good experiences you had together will always last as your first love. You can treasure thhose memories but you need more social activties if you are already not engaing in them to take your mind off her.
Why dont you book a holiday where you have always wanted to go with your friends, go and do something for yourself that maybe she would never want you to do so can fulfill your needs and us this time to find your-self and eventually as time goes by you will get used to being around just yourself and realize that nothing can hold you back, you can do anything you want to do when you ut yor mind at it, you just need a clear head. Go and sign up for a new hobby like the gym if you dont alreay and take out your anger there. Go and chat to a nice looking girl if you se one when your out and rememebr all the excitment of meeting some one new again. The other half of your of egg shell is out there somewhere, in the mean time you can enjoy yourself being free and not have to rely on anyone, thats chapter of your life is over now, this is a whole new one with new challenges and experiences to , it's what ever you make it!
Take care!