Invitation or overshare?

ECCENTRICNOTCRAZY - Mar 28 2014 at 03:01
My ex-husband and I have been divorced for about 3 years. We share custody of our daughter and we get along fairly well so we usually end up seeing each other or talking on the phone at least once a day. Tonight he was telling me about going off of his anxiety meds and mentioned to me that he had a boner for the first time in a long time. I didn't know how to respond. It doesn't seem like a fella would say something like that unless they want you to do something about it. But on the other hand, we are friends so maybe it was just an overshare. Thoughts?
The thought of reconciliation has crossed my mind, although I have pretty much decided that I'm not good at marriage. But, yeah, I care deeply for him, more than I want to accept.
Yes remember why you two divorced in the first place.......
You mentioned you are no good at marriage ?
Probably attractive to think about going back / maybe cos ur lonely and still have that connexion but u split up for a reason(s) are those reasons still valid if so don't go back
Just to add and to clarify..... don't go you life walking forward......
I get that is fells nice to be desired by him again.... and to feel attractive and wanted.....
but don't ...... think of how far you have come for yourself..... too confusing to go back.....
Walk on......
Don't read too much into it. He just shared an info with you. Anxiety has a direct connection to getting a boner. So he was just telling you that the meds have worked for him. Nothing more than that.