Not sure what to do

PURETITO - Mar 29 2014 at 03:02
This is the first time I ever posted anything online about a problem, so I hope it helps me. Right now I have a close group of friends. We spend a fair amount of time together. This group includes myself, my friend and his girlfriend, and another girl. The girlfriend and the other girl are real close friends. Practically sisters. Well I honestly and deeply care for this girl. The problem is, I don't know to what extent she cares for me. I feel as though I show my feelings for her enough to let her know. I'm not sure whether or not she notices or is purposely ignoring it. What I feel is happening is she is busy worrying about other things and not noticing me other than as a friend in the group. What continues to cross my mind is to simply do what everyone else does and let her know how I feel. What worries me is if she doesn't feel the same way or is at least interested, how will she take it. Will things turn out awkward between us? And if it doesn't work out, will this group of friends not work out anymore? I'm stuck in between and the thing is I don't know what to do. I want to say something, but the fear of messing up the group constantly bothers me. I have never had a group of friends like this and I honestly have never wanted someone more than her. I care for her probably more than I should. I don't even know if anyone can really help me here, but I just don't know what to do...
Flirt with her. Jokingly indicate you both together. See whats her reaction. If she acts angry, means she is not for it. If she laughs it off means its safe ground, you can proceed slowly further.
Hey I can feel your predicament.... I am going to suggest that you just be yourself and don't loose your identity in her.....
Just be a mate and agree with the first post flirt around the idea of you being together and see her reaction..... if you are not ready for a no..... then don't go there. Just be her friend and enjoy the group..... it is much more valuable.
I mean go for it! The worst she could say is nah, let's just be friends. So you know, it's either continue on being friends, or take it to the next levels either one seems reasonable, so break the ice! If she really cares about you personally, she will want to remain you friend no matter what... So ya! Good luck bro
Go for it! Coming from a gal we sometimes can appear like we don't notice but we really do. Either she may feel uncomfortable around the others by means she might wanna show signs too that she likes you or she is waiting for you two to talk in private about things. We don't bite. But I say go for it and take a chance.
Can you not speak to your friends gf to see if the other girl has said anything to her? If not just be yourself, we all at sometime will fall for someone we can't have, and sometimes it's better to be friends than not have them in your life at all. Like you said this girl and the gf are very close so if it goes wrong, then you could lose the group. And it sounds to me like you need them, more than a gf, so if you can't find out if she likes you from another person in the group, you need to decide what's more important to you!