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A guy problem that I need to understand

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There is this guy that I met and we hit it off really good. We talked for about a year and a half (the catch is he doesn't live near me and is older, but not that old). We talked all the time and about us meeting each other and being together, but after a while he started feeling like we were never going to be together and so he moved on and got a gf, he stopped talking to me all together and it hurt me so bad. I really liked him and I still do, I tried all I could to contact him but I couldn't get him to respond. After a while I forced myself to forget him and deleted everything that involved him. I moved on too and got a bf. then a little over a year he messaged me.. I had so many emotions running through me like if I should cuss him out or be nice or ignore him like he did me. But all I did was message him back and asked him why he did it and I was right, because he felt we would never be together, but he said he was so sorry and he didn't mean to hurt me and he still loved me. I couldn't stay mad at him long so I forgave him, a while after we talked I asked him what's been going on in his life and he told me, he met someone, they had a baby, and they got engaged. That broke my heart. But I didn't tell him at first, I told him I was so happy for him(which I was)and we can just be friends, well just being friends didn't work out to well because we talked like we were dating and I didn't want to come between his fiancé. After a while, since he works, he would take days to message me and all I could do in that time was think about him even though I have a bf. when he finally message me like 7 days later I told him I didn't think this would work out because I thought about him so much. He doesn't understand how much he hurt me and how bad I wanted to be with him. I sent him this long message and said I'm glad he's happy and that I don't want to lose him again and that we can just be friends I guess. I told him to message me whenever he can. All I want is for someone to tell me if I'm crazy for forgiving him or if I should really just forget him.?? Is there anything else I should tell him since I already told him how I feel?? If this happened to one of you would you still have hope of meeting him and getting together ??

A guy problem that I need to understand

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Angel-Love this guy is a player stay well away from him.... How can he say he loves you? c'mon you talked for about a year...... about meeting!!!!!Love is a little OTT ...... Be very wary of a guy who uses that word loosely it is a RED FLAG WITH ROCKETS FLYING OUT OF IT...... !!! he is engaged to another girl and is a dad,.... his love should be there if anywhere..... what did buy a ring for.... is this guy running from his responsibilities and you are the perfect escape route.... What is the deal with your fella...... You cannot be his friend..... I know you think you can but you cannot it is over. I think you are in love with the IDEA of you and him because deep down you know he is not right for you. You both moved to other relationships.... he has a new life now. Work on your current relationship..... think how hurt he would be if he knew..... I would stop all contact now he is unattainable.....

A guy problem that I need to understand

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Angel, forget about this man. If you deleted everything that involved him before, then do it again and make it final this time. While you allow yourself to be at his beck and call, you'll never be independent enough to make the right decision concerning him. He's moved on and so have you; the trick is to realize it. The only other thing you should tell him is goodbye and good riddance.

A guy problem that I need to understand

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Thank you . I really hear what your saying and I know you and the others are right . Its just hard .

A guy problem that I need to understand

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Is your named changed to 'mountain????? or did you hack my account????

A guy problem that I need to understand

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Im concerned ...... did you write that?

A guy problem that I need to understand

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Mountain...I guess thats some system error in printing. The alias name still shows up as Angel - Love. @ Angel-Love - My opinion is the same as all the above. This person is just using you as a background fun in his life. But natural his fiance would be busy with the baby so the extra time he is offering you. He will again go missing after a while leaving you hurt. Best to stay away.

A guy problem that I need to understand

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@mountain Im sorry I didn\\\'t know what to put there lol im not use to this I thought that ment the name of the person you weew responding to .. Im really sorry . Im not a hacker and I didn\\\'t know . And thank you @Shivangi I understand what yall are saying and I am will stay away I know I need to just move on and forget him but like I said before it is hard.

A guy problem that I need to understand

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Here's what I suggest, forget about him. You can do much better than him. Think of how his fiancé would feel if she happened to find out he was flirting it up with some chick online... Just saying, if he does that to her, chances are he will do it to you, and you shouldn't be hurt in that way. I feel bad for him, because I have a feeling this fiancé won't last too long. Good luck princess.

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