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Flirt or friend

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Ok I'm new so I'll get to the point. I see a woman at the school when collecting my children recently she started talking to me, and on the last two occasions she has touched me, first time on forearm second lower down near my hand? Is this just a friendly thing or is it flirting? She does stand quite close, and always smiles or waves when she sees me? Just want some idea as to what you guys think? Thanks

Flirt or friend

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If she invades your personal space and touches you at the same time, she wants your full attention. If she does this to everyone, then it's her way of communicating but if she does it to you only, then she's singling you out. She's flirting and when she waves and smiles (always, as you state) then she's making sure you notice her.

Flirt or friend

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I'm going to go with flirting. Make sure that if you're not interested to show her. If she knows that you aren't acknowledging her, then you are not interested. If you are, ask her to dinner or something...

Flirt or friend

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She doesn't seek me out if I'm standing there, so perhaps it is just friendly, I don't see her speaking to other men, and with other women doesn't seem to touch them. When we talk it's just about everyday things, nothing personal or anything. It's only been on a few occasions that she's done it, but it's the last three times that we were stood together in the playground, other times I may stand at the back, and she will be talking to another lady. So perhaps it is just friendly?

Flirt or friend

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Hi I am woman she is just friendly.... do not read too much into it..... I have had that misread in me and it did stop me being friendly for some time..... but I decided that it was his issue and why shouldn't a girl be happy and smiley without it seen as a come on... If you like her , why because she is approachable ?does not make her interested in you.... she can simply be just free spirited lady.... Stop analyzing and looking for signals.....from her like it is some kind of seduction and mating season.....

Flirt or friend

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I agree with Mountain. I too have faced a lot of misreading too. Attach importance to what she says not what she does....unless she touches you provocatively.

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