He is still attached to his ex girlfriend

JUJUBEE - Apr 5 2014 at 15:34
Ok so first off, I am divorced, the whole cheating husband couldn't stop cheating on me story. So my trust is lacking with most people. I am however in a new relationship. Living with him and everything seemed fine. It just that he is still attached to his ex. When I say attached I mean they still share a cell phone plan (that he swears he is trying to get changed) She still texts and calls him on a regular basis. She still tells him she misses him and loves him. He told her he had a dream about her and him that they made up. She asked him if we don't work out will they have another chance. She asked if his life was better and he told her some better and some worse. He buys her gas, he goes to lunch with her.... Now all this on one page looks horrible and that is why I am here. I just cant go threw another one of these relationships again. Where I become the other woman. I found out most of these things by snooping...Which tells you right there the trust is cracked. I also found out this morning that he proposed to her after she had cheated on him and then turned the proposal down. Then no less that 2 months later I was in the picture....I just don't know how to bring all this up. Tell him I am not ok with any of this. With out it turning into a bad situation.
Hi I am sorry that this has happened to you....
You got together very soon..... after his break up with other girl.......
In my opinion both of you have low self esteem.... he must think he is won don ...... how dare he get to have a choice of girls...... and you should not have to wait around for him to decide....
Its dead in the water..... leave his ass....and meet a guy who is there for you 100% you will not know yourself when that happens.
You should not have to be looking for clues to his infidelity ..... that is a place of paranoia, sadness, hurt, defense, anger, resentful, and over a long period bitter.
Do not allow this to happen to you any longer.... you can stop this.....leave make a life for yourself that is free from all this unnecessary worry......
His evaluation of you and him 'some better some worse' says alot too..... who the hell does he think he is ..... this ex is not right in the head...
I can tell from your post that you are a good person ..... there is a life out the door of your house..... better for you where you will feel secure.... maybe that is by yourself for a while but certainly is not with him...... walk through it......
I had the same situation with my ex. I also have to check his phone and ipad every time he used it. And I always find something that I don't want to see, he still contacted his ex and they talk nothing like friends but lovers. Then I told him to choose between me and her, he said he can't stop contacting her and he chose me. So I made him an easier way by leaving him.
My opinion is yes right you are a rebound girl. You will be left by him as soon as he get back to her. I don't think he is ready for a new relationship yet, he just a weak guy that can't bear the feeling of being single/alone. Do you really want to be the other girl? I suggest you to leave him before you have deeper feelings for him. Tell him to finish his problem with his ex, and tell him that you want to be the only woman in his life, and after he solved everything then he can go back with you. If he really loves you he will do it, if not then you know what to do. No woman deserve to be treated like this. You deserve a man who truly loves you with all his heart. Trust me he is out there somewhere, keep looking!
Yes you are just the rebound here. Looks like he will eventually go back to his ex. Don't get too attached to him and move on fast!