Is this a dead end relationship?

PYROCLIP - Apr 6 2014 at 08:14
My boyfriend of 4 years has revealed to me, not in so many words, that marrying me is not anything he is thinking about/considering. We are young, 21 and 22 but i have a lot invested in this relationship and i feel at this point he should know if I am the one he wants to spend his life with. I am beginning to pull away from our relationship. I do not want to wait 4 more years just so he can begin to THINK about marrying me. He seems ok with just drifting as we are now, but it is not enough for me anymore. I am contemplating leaving, but I do love him and even if not as a lover i need him in my life. I just don't want to lose him but he is not fulfilling me and doesn't seem phased when i tell him. Possibly because of all the other terrible ways he has hurt me in past, and i stayed. Now im not so sure what to do.
A man named Jesus recommended having faith and giving one's life over to God ("good") and doing what ever God (good) wants. Ie: I gather he was saying that it is always important to "do the right thing" and to have faith that doing the right thing is always the best answer, even if it result (in extreme cases) in death / eg: WWII German soldier told to kill someone unjustly should refuse to do so even if it means that they themselves may be killed. So I guess this life is a bit of a test of "doing the right thing perhaps.
Hi i think you have run out of excuses to stay....
Leave him and move closer to what you want from life which is a relationship that is going somewhere and lead to marriage ......
You are young don't rush into anything either.... get a few years alone first before hand otherwise you will feel like you missed out in a few years...
21/22 is too young an age to consider marriage. Even for him it would be difficult to consider marriage. Suggest you move on and explore a bit with others before taking final decision.