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Psycho ex girlfriend won't leave my boyfriend alone

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I've been seeing my boyfriend for a few months and there's a huge problem: his ex. They were dating for years, but their relationship was toxic. It doesn't help that she's also my worst enemy. They have remained friends and they've been broken up for a year, but she still calls him and he still keeps in contact with her. He says he never loved her and she's like a sister to him, but she still asks him what they're going to name their child etc. She calls him every day, still tells him she loves him. I asked him to please stop communication with her, so he said he did. I went through his call log and there are so many calls from her. He lied to me. They talk every day. Would it be unfair of me to tell him to block her number or else I'm walking away? I really love him and i don't wanna make him choose between me and her, bit it's very unfair to me and its nerve wrecking. She's his past and it should stay that way.. right? He easterly texts her back but most of the time she's telling him she'll wait for him, she loves him and will never let him go. She also threatened to kill herself when she found out we were together. I can't do this though. Should i walk away or make him give her up completely?

Psycho ex girlfriend won't leave my boyfriend alone

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It's your choice what you do Jacqui...besides having a BF who can't give up his ex, you also have a BF who lies to you. Throw in your trust issues with him about communicating to her, and you have a relationship heading for trouble. You don't have to make him choose anything, instead, YOU have to choose what YOU want/need to do. You will never make him give her up, so why bother trying?

Psycho ex girlfriend won't leave my boyfriend alone

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I think you have every right to say that to your boyfriend. I was in a similar situation myself, discussed it calmly, and now everything is once again perfect. This may sound harsh, i don't mean it to be...but if he loves you that much and really cares he would respect that..and if he refuses to cease contact with her..well, you deserve better sweetie. You only really have two options, either she goes or you go :( I hope everything is okay, i hope he makes the choice you want.

Psycho ex girlfriend won't leave my boyfriend alone

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You should help the poor and the needy.

Psycho ex girlfriend won't leave my boyfriend alone

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Sorry to say so but your Boy Friend lies through his tooth! No one can consider their ex as their sister! Can't you see he is still attached to his ex and she is to him? Probably in sometime he will return to her too. So whats your role in his life? An intermediate fun? Consider even if tomorrow he agrees to cut off from his ex, could you trust him? Where is your relationship headed to? Walk away Jacqui as fast as possible, look out for a more suitable person for yourself.

Psycho ex girlfriend won't leave my boyfriend alone

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Kso this relationship sounds unrealistic to me. How can you call someone your boyfriend if they tell someone else they love him. You sound like me when I was 15 falling for bullshit. Im 20 now and I can say RUN !! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE leave as soon as you can. You will save your time and feelings from being wasted. Call the bitch up and tell her to stop calling your boyfriend or there will be problems and if you boyfriend doesnt wanna chose you over here HE STILL LOVES HER. START DOING YOUR OWN THING.. Start hanging with freinds dont strictly commit all your time to him start doing you honestly its the best thing. everything will fall into place when you find someone else who aprreciate you for you. he doesnt have to be a man right now start making good friendships for now that can maybe continue into something bigger in the future

Psycho ex girlfriend won't leave my boyfriend alone

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Hate to say but he is clearly not over her. If he were, he would not answer her calls and sure as heck wouldn't be lying to you about it. You don't want a man like that in your life, honey. I know you feel like you do but you don't. You are looking for a life partner, right? That's why we find someone worth investing our time in and potentially spending forever with. You do not want this man as your FOREVER. Geez, can you imagine? Him getting calls from her on your wedding day? Him sneaking around texting her while you are pregnant with you and his child? I mean, maybe he could change but the way things are looking now, that would be your future if you were to stay with him. Also .. heres the biggie....He is choosing someone else over you. Do you REALLY want someone like that in your life? You deserve to be someones #1. Don't make him choose, he will resent you. It sounds like he's already you need to decide...

Psycho ex girlfriend won't leave my boyfriend alone

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I think that u Should told him to Choose between u and her , and She must walk away not U , P.S If he really love U he will Choose u and late her go (Good Luck)

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