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He left me and I don't know how to deal with it

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i am 21 year old girl. my boyfriend is one year younger than me. we r madly in love with each other. we r soulmates, which makes all these age prblems irrelevant. but his mother is strict nd so r my parents. his mother came to know about us. she saw our private pictures in his laptop. d nude pics i sent to him. she saw it all. she was devastated. she gave him choice. me or her. and as he loves his mom a lot, he chosed her. he is in pain. and me too. he swear on his mom that he wud nt talk to me again. because he was afraid that she might show those pictures to my parents and my life wud end right dre. i wud rather die than facing my parents like that. also he is afraid that if he dont listen to her, she will take him out of college and put him in another college and his life will take more tym to settle down, thus he wont be able to marry me and support me in my latter life. he broke up with me, making me promise that i should wait for him to come back, take care of myslf, study nd settle my career. nd he will settle down, and one day will come back looking for me. till then, no contact. i am willing to wait for him my

He left me and I don't know how to deal with it

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i wud lyk to add that i am willing to wait for him forever. but i dnt knw how to live normally without talking to him, seeing him. i will die lyk dis. so plz suggest what i shud do?

He left me and I don't know how to deal with it

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Dear LOVETORA , your life doesn't only consist of him. When situations are not in our favour we need to adjust to them. Push his thoughts to the back of your mind. Find something new to do. Follow some hobby, join some classes, give a different focus to your life. There will be pain for some time but it will decrease with time. All the other new activities that you start now will occupy your mind decreasing the pain. Make new friends, speak to them. If you both are meant to be together it will happen so don't think too much on those lines and focus on now.

He left me and I don't know how to deal with it

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Personally I don't think one year is that much of an age gap, I know people who have seven years difference, and even though there is seven years, if there made for each other then there made for each other. If you really are soul mates then it shouldn't matter your age because he is your soulmate (so I agree with you on that). Obviously his mother doesn't care about him that much if she wants him to pick you or him. I think that you should sit down and have an honest conversation with your family and his family. I know it will be hard but it's for the best and they deserve to know. You say your parents are strict and I get that, my parents are too, but you can't forget that they are human beings too and they should be able to understand. Also, your boyfriend is 20 years old, he's old enough to take care of himself and no one should be put into a position to choose one person over another, epically not by there own mother. The nude pictures, well there's not much you can do about that, but it's not like it's a bad thing, I don't know why she is disappointed that her son is having a healthy relationship with someone spiritually and physically. Sure, maybe she didn't need to see the photos but why was she on his laptop in the first place, don't accuse her but if she was sneaking onto his laptop obliviously she doesn't trust him that much. I know he said to wait but why should you have too, it's good that your willing to and that proves that it's a wonderfull relationship but I think you should ask him to have a talk with your family's (parents) about this. I know it's hard, but they can't always be strict, don't forget that there human too and they should understand. Remember to be open minded and try to understand why they are so disappointed.

He left me and I don't know how to deal with it

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First off, you need to ask you REALLY want to be in a relationship in which a man puts such emphasis on what others think, especially at 21? I'm not sure, since he's in college, maybe its ok for now especially since mom and dad are footing the expenses...he has to keep them happy. You may want to really look into things though. You wouldn't want to be married to a man that constantly chose others over you, would you? I would have a good long heart to heart with him and HIS family. Find out why his mothers dislikes you so. Also, find out the ins and outs of this "taking a break and you waiting on him".....IN other words, is he going to wait on you too? Will you two date others? You need to get these things worked out so neither party gets hurt...

He left me and I don't know how to deal with it

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See we do not know from which country or culture she is from. Different countries follow different cultures. For example in my country parents are given a lot of importance in the marriage say. Also the concept here is you complete all the studies and land up a job and then get married. Rarely people doing college get married (they do date). Also after marriage the girl sometimes stays with at the husbands house too (though thats decreasing lately...still....thats the importance a guy's mother is given here). So you see different places its different. All we know here is he has left her asking her to wait. He may or may not come back. She needs to get out of her pain and we need to advice her ways to get over her pain. Thats my understanding of this situation.

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