Does he like me? Should I back off?

COLETTEVANDAVER - Apr 13 2014 at 03:35
I developed a crush on this boy. We began to talk, text, and flirt. I told my closest friends about my crush and one of my friends (male) asked him about it during a mutual class. He asked him: "So you and "myname."? "Do you like her" "Are you going to ask her out?". To my dismay he said no to all of the questions. My other friends told me that he might just be saying that cus he's afraid of rejection or doesn't want me to know. I want an opinion on if he likes me and if I should back off or keep pursuing him.
What you had suggested is possible, however you need to look more into whether or not he likes you. Does he make direct eye contact when you talk? Touch you a lot?Try to make you laugh? Do you two flirt? Or is he just that hot guy in class that you hope might like you. In that case i would say you should start flirting with him and see how he reacts. No pick up lines. Flirting is subtle and curious. Don't be embarrassed. Just be yourself. Also, pay attention to body language. It is a good sign when his body is facing you when you two talk. Bad sign if his arms are crossed. Make sure you are conveying the right body language yourself.
Instead of beating around the bush, if you like him enough, ask him out!
The outcomes are like this: Either he likes you, or he doesn't see you in that way.
In the case that you DON'T ask him out, simply thinking about him all the time only prolongs your suffering AND you are nowhere near closer to being in a relationship with him.
In the case that you DO ask him out, he'll either reject you, in which you'll feel bad, but the pain will be ephemeral and definitely worth it when compared to holding it in, or he'll reciprocate and like you back, where then it's great, and you've accomplished your goal.
You're only risk here is that not only does he reject you, but he doesn't look for that friendship anymore and begins to shun you. In that situation: HE'S NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. If a guy or a girl does that to anyone, he's not worth the love.
And there you have it.
Just go for it. Who cares about whether or not he likes you. Just go for it. Whether or not he likes you isn't a question you need to ask anyone else but him.
Instead of going through another "channel," you should go straight to the "horse's mouth," to sort of speak, and ask your cutie crush if he wants to hang with you some time. Be friendly, nonchalant, and friendly when doing this.
If he gives you the "run around" of this and that, at least you would have known that he is either Not Into You, and all the "pushing buttons and playing around" was just------What it was.