He says its my fault

GROOVYKAT - Apr 15 2014 at 20:17
Me and my boyfriend have been together for 10 almost 11 months and we have been living together for 6 months. in the last 2 months we have been fighting allot but usually it is little things like me telling him to calm down or putting something in the wrong place. but in the last couple weeks it has gotten worse now he says things like he wants me to leave and not talk to him or he will say he doesn't know if he wants to be with me. I understand that this is because I'm home allot, I only have school 2 days a week (if i can get there) and i only have 3 friends who are usually busy or i can't get to them to hang out. and i see that he doesn't want me around him 24/7 but i don't understand why he thinks I am keeping him from doing things. he is a musician and he says that he doesn't feel comfortable gigging or going and playing music with friends cuz he feels obligated to stay home with me even when i tell him i want him to go. and plus if he really felt bad when he goes and hangs out with his friends he could ask me to go which has only happened a handfull of times throughout the hole relationship. sometimes he says he never did want to be with me and right before vday i caught him on online dating sites (more like hookup sites). idk what to do he always turns his mood around like 2-3 times a day and will stop being mad and tell me he loves me and asks for kisses. but he has never taken me on a real date or night out on the town. what should i do i want to save this relationship. I was in a 3 yr. relationship before this and i think that he could be the one. so is it me that needs to change or should i give him his space? half the time i feel like something is wrong with me and that i have all these problems. can somebody please give me some advise?
we have been friends since middle school. so its not like we didn't know each other. and he asked me to move in.
Hi I you deserve better then this to be honest.
He was on a hook up site ....... he has moods... move on from this.
Move on dear, you are in the wrong place and wrong relationship. He never did love you, only feels an obligation towards you coz he asked you to move in. Now its that obligation thats irritating him and causing half of your problems.
First of all there is nothing wrong with you. Relationships have their ups and downs. I think that maybe you guys moved in together a bit to quickly but I wasn't there so I don't know your circumstances. Also his mood swings are not your fault, they are something he needs to deal with himself.
Secondly, try talking to him about this? He needs to know that his behavior is hurting you and you need to know wether or not to give him more space.
Thirdly if this guy continues telling you hurtful things like him never even wanting to be with you, being on dating sites and making you feel guilty for him not going out even if you tell him he can go without you, you need to seriously think about wether you should stay with this guy.
Sweet Groovykat,
It sounds to me like you are both getting on each other's nerves, and seeing too much of one another, and now, your other half is feeling suffocated, which, in turn is---strangulating your relationship. Something has to change soon, or someone is going to end up Moving out to get more space and peace of mind. I see this heading for the door.
Might I suggest you find a job, become more busy with your life, and start thinking of yourself. You are home way too much, and this is causing tension in the home of you both constantly in each other's hair. There's no compromise, and convo leads to constant fighting now. It's not healthy.
Now, he is resorting to online dating sites, which means he is "straying." I am seeing the domino affect here.
Also, with him never taking you out to even paint the town red, tells me he is interested in keeping you out of site, so he can do as he pleases with his music and friends. And in between these "loves you and mushy kisses,' he is also telling you his true feelings, which "The truth hurts."
You both need to have a long serious talk, or you're not going to make sweet music together much longer. Even see a counselor to lend an ear and some help. Or perhaps even take a break from one another to do some soul searching. One way or another, something has to be done, before your nearly One year as being together is---Done.
Good luck.xx